

Chapter 2

Damion entered the house and saw his wife on the floor with her brother bend over her his heart started to race fast. He was thinking all kind of things wondering what could have possible happen to his wife. Has Damion ran over to his wife side he felt a blow to his face he was knocked over by his brother-inlaw, the looked of bewilderment in his eye made Damion scared, why was he being attacked by Jake. He got up slowly and never took his eyes off jake. Stacy was unconscious, the room was filled with silence that if a bomb drop everyone would have heard it, this silence was getting too overbearing. Damion ran for his medical bag and as he was about to touch Stacy, Jake pushed his hands away and said to him, " What the fuck you trying to do kill my sister you asshole." Damion was really confused now he never heard such foul language from Jake towards him as yet. He needs an explanation now before his Wife died and he couldn't allow that to happen she was his life, his world at that moment Damion had a flash back to when his wife had surprised him on his birthday, he hated celebrating his birthday because the only memory he had was when his mom was being killed by his father, he was turning eleven years and his dad came home early from work, he loved to drink and like things his way. When he came home that day no food was prepared Damion mom was in the bedroom fast asleep, he tend to stay out of his father way whenever he saw him so he went to his room, slam the door shut and the next thing he heard was terrifying screams, things falling to the ground, shouts of "help me" and "don't do it I'm sorry," those were the words of Damion mother's screams. He remembered running out to see his mother lifeless body on the ground, blood all over her beautiful sad face and all he could do was cry he couldn't save his mom he didn't know how and that's when he decided that he would use his education as his way out of that dumped. Then he remembered when his wife had given him a beautiful gold watch with his name craved into it saying, 'my beloved my soulmate.'

Damion: Get the fuck out of my way jake before I make you, I want to save my wife life, what's the matter with you?

Tony: Don't fucking call me Jake you know I hate that name and you of all people shouldn't be asking me what's wrong with me your the caused of this.

Damion: What the hell! Move Toni let me do my job.

Tony: you better not try anything foolish, what the hell is that in your hand.

Damion: This is an adrenaline injection papaverine I'm giving her 150g.

Tony: What does it do?

Damion: It's for chest pain, circulation and heart attack and she seems to have an mild heart attack, which I don't understand what could have caused it.

Tony: Let me see would by any chance you having and affair and getting our sister pregnant caused it.

Damion: What! How the fuck did she find out who it was?

Tony: I hacked Into your account and the security feeds.

Damion: Oh shit! I always know you were a sneaky bastard but why the hell you do that for.

Tony: Your the one who fucked up not me you and my twin sister or dispecable and I'm displeased by your present.

Damion: Let's not get too excited everything is not always what it seems.

Tony: Tell it to Judge.

Damion: Judge I didn't do anything.

Tony: Not yet but you will and I will be there to ensure your ass get hang.

Meanwhile Stacy was having a brief outer space moment she was lost for words and thought she couldn't comprehend, how could her own sister and husband betray her like that. If it was anyone else she could have cope or understand it but Toya her sweet darling sister who she loved so darely. There must be some explanation to all this because even thou her husband had made her end so much pregnancy he would never do that to her or would he, she understood that he was abused and was mentally unstable at times but he had loved her with a love that she never knew could exist and then this, why was all this happening to her she doesn't deserve this. Come to think of it Toya was telling her that she did something unforgivable and that in time she hope she would forgive her but she knew Toya was over dramatic so she had dismissed her and told her whatever it was she didn't want to know and nothing could ever tear them apart, because she loved her and family should always love each other no matter what. Stacy was coming out of her unconscious state and when she awoke tears were flooding her eyes and all she could do was to let them flow out because she had kept in so much for so long.

Damion: Stacy it's me I'm here, oh darling I'm so sorry for all the pain I've cost you I wanted to tell you about it I'm sorry.

Toni: Stacy please don't cry, please calm down I don't want to kill your husband before your eyes.

Stacy: I'm ok, I'm fine, Damion can you please stop touching me, your a very mendacious person I never knew you were like that.

Damion: I've never lied to you until now, please it was not planned, please believe me.

Stacy: I will never trust you again as long as I'm alive and you will be expecting a divorce papers.

Damion: No there's an explanation to all this I just can't tell you what it is but please believe me I love you and everything I've ever done is to protect you.

Stacy: Protect me by getting my sister pregnant, protect me by getting rid of so much pregnancy. I understand why you made me did it because you were afraid to be a shitty father but you were never willing to make that sacrifice for us.

Damion: How could I be a father when I don't even know how; my father beat the shit out of me, killed my mother almost killed me and the only person who showed me love was you and brought meaning to my life and now you want to take that away from me because of a mistake I made because I love you enough to protect you.

Toni: Damion just leave ok, get out of my sister house before I break your fucking neck.

Damion: Toni come out of this you don't understand the half of this.

Toni: I understand enough to say that you hurt my sister by getting the next one pregnant and trust me when I say she will be dealt with. But for now just leave, get the fuck out I wont restrain my anger anymore.

Damion: Ok I will leave but know this Stacy that your my life and I would never intentionally sleep with anyone, I've never love another woman or think of cheating on you ever.

Damion took his medical bag and looked at his wife pain stricken face and his heart was heavy and he knew then and there that he lost her and he no longer had anything more to live for. He was gone and Stacy could not bear to see him go but he had betrayed her and she had to let him go for her sake and her sanity she had to let him go, her brother held her close and he was very sad because even thou he loved his sister and was angry at Damion for some strange reason he believed every word that Damion spoke and he had to get to the bottom of this because he knew something that Stacy didn't know that Toya was in love with Damion all these years, she had fancy him and wanted him and he's now wondering if his twin sister had finally gotten what she wanted.
to be continued.....
© Keryiann Mcneil