

Sowing the seeds that produce. Tiling a field takes work. When the seeds are planted there are different kids of soil. What kind are you?
First, You have to find a field.
Next, you have to buy the field.
Then, you have to survey and test the soil.
Is there enough nutrients in the soil to plant? Then, if there is enough nutrients, it is time to til the soil..
After a farmer has tilled the soil it is time to plant the seed.
After the seed has been planted it is time to the seed.
Now is the time to ask your self Are you planting them and then digging those seeds back up or are you planting and nurturing that seed? Taking care of it, watching it grow, blossom, and bloom.if the answer is yes you dig them up after planting the seed we need to talk to GOD and seek HIS help to keep the seed planted. It just takes a little more help is all. No one is perfect when they plant a seed. Some take more work than others, but it is still all hard work no matter what seed is planted.
No matter what your answer is to this question, it is ALL hard work. We ALL have to do the work needed for it to flourish. We have to realize God works in the WHOLE PROCESS for His glory.
When the harvest is ready the farmers go out to harvest with their combines. After they have gotten in the harvest they cut down the stock and til it again for the next year. Is the soil black with nutrients in it? Then the soil is ready to go. Every year they swap from corn to beans or beans to corn. This keeps the nutrients in the soil. Once in a while they have to give the field a brake for a year. That is why the farmers do what they do the way they do it.
My fiancée lived on a farm when he was younger and he could tell you how it works better than I can. You know who the best expert is, IT IS GOD. He is our creator and He works things for His Glory. He works The Fruits Of The Spirit in us. He has to prune us and nurture that fruit through us. That is why we have to go to God’s Word to help with that fruit in our lives. So my question to you is this, what fruit and soil are you working from?
Everyone is on a different work and area in their faith walk. Let’s take time with God and let HIM Be the one to help us in each area of our lives. Plant, water, nurture, grow, blossom, and bloom. God goes above and beyond more than what we could ever imagine. So I ask this question again, what fruit and soil are you working from?
© A.S. Brockert