

All This Once I drink What Was Pored
So the drink pored and I was crying with my company depressed over the death of my loved one. So the door bell rings and I open the door and the man spits red power at me. An I fall down to the ground choking until he leaves and I feel better. My guest counter acted the curse with his love. By kissing my neck and it stopped me from choking. So what kind of evil can not with stand
love the kind that is strong but. There are those who want you to lose your ability to love. But you love everyday. And the people give you pain everyday so it's like you trapped but it could be worse. But strangers want it to be your end. And they want your pages not to be turned but this not the end of your story no it's not. Your story has a whole new chapter which has not been written yet and it's going to take time away to get to what's right. But not what the people think you should have because that's not out there for me like they think only a bunch of unrest unresolved and grief which is a ratching at my doors like fire to charcoal in a bunch of winds blown by everybody unsettling to all that I know. And yet I am still feeling this I. the background of winds blewing far away from me but yet close enough to have me like I got to get away but others keep you here. An hide there actions in the ways in which they act
unwritten to me and you. But yet I see and am blind so that all this don't hurt my eyes. See I take off my glasses and if I don't see you on a regular lever. Then I live on and be innocent to your whips
an chains All Around me you and what ever else is crawling around me and these situations which have you thinking what now.
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