

The knight and the villager girl
In ancient times, when the power lay in a crown, while the good defense was represented by high and thick walls, while the houses were defended by knights, and the knights paid by the king, there was a small story.
   In the evening, as the stars began to sneak in the back of the emperor Sun going to rest; while the peasants went home from work, their eyes sparkling with joy; as women began to bathe and perfume, many knights, almost all of them, were happy. Where are they? At the jail! Where all thoughts, worries and unhappiness disappeared drowned in alcohol; where the friendly reps are honest; where the being slips into oblivion and the lover acquires more chosen forms. Some knights were there with their entire existence, others only with their bodies, but all seemed to be happy. But as they indulged in the deceitful happiness of alcohol, others indulged in the permanent sadness of their thoughts. These "different" are rejected, thrown out of all groups. Rejection, loneliness, pain first poison their heart, and then, after they become suffocated by their own feelings, they dig up to the brain, causing them to enter into a deplorable state.
   In such a state there was also a handsome knight. He waited every night on a log near a small pond in the forest, staring at the dreamer. "Why do the stars hide from the Sun Lord?" He thought. His blond mane flung over his shoulders, his sea-colored eyes descending into the pond without seeing his water, his handsome face was nowhere to be seen and his body was nowhere to be seen. he was slightly bent, in a meditative style. Although he was sitting on that log, near that pond, surrounded by trees, he was not really in the woods. He was not even sure where his mind was lost. His eyes. ”With a blurred look, drowned in his memories, he looked at a boulder, sighing.
   -Off, how happy can you be, dear boulder? Stay all day in one place without doing something, without feeling anything! If someone comforts you, you don't feel it, if someone hits you it doesn't hurt. Is your only fear in the hammer and pickaxe metal? Do you want to be human? Would you like to exchange with me? Would you like me to take all my thoughts, feelings, feelings, and give me all your niece? Say, hello boulder, would you?
   The knight was so lost in his own thoughts that he did not even notice the black shadow lurking behind him, a little farther away, hidden by trees and bushes. That was until, by a small accident, the shadow hit the bushes and stepped on dry twigs.
   Immediately the knight of the salt that burned from the rotten log, drew his sword again and in an authoritative voice shouted:
   -Who's there?
   The only one who answered her back was the wind. Then he had the sensation that he could hear whispered laughter in the wind.
   -Who's there? Stop joking with me and show yourself, you box!
  A black figure emerges from the hiding place of the forest and shows himself with his whole body in front of the blond knight. She was a girl! He had black hair, chestnut-like eyes, rosy lips, attractive face, virgin face, slender body with delicate and agile hands and supple and beautiful legs. She was dressed like a hangioic.
   - Excuse me ... I'm sorry ... I disturbed you. Had his face turned white as salt, afraid it would have been?
   -Is OK. However, once again you don't sneak around someone's back, you can do serious things.
   He drew his sword back into his sheath and rested himself on the log, completely losing his mind. By the time he got back, the sun had already been lost in the mountains, and the stars and moon began to reign over night. He got up from the log with the thought that he had to go back to his room, to that room that gave him solitude. However, when he began to return, he noticed something strange. She was still there, behind him, in the shelter of the trees. The moon's light turned his face into a silver mask.
   - I thought you left home, what are you doing here?
   -You have been on the log so far, I wanted to keep you company.
   - Do you know how dangerous it is? You could be kidnapped, for example! And all this for nothing !?
   -Nothing! and he showed her the sign of the basket in his left hand with a sign of his eyes.
   The knight approached her and looked into the basket. There, a whole parade: currants, mushrooms, chestnuts, berries, strawberries. All incredibly beautiful and looking delicious.
   -It's impossible to pick these up now. Don't you see how dark it is?
   -Well, yes, now it's dark. But here I found a lot of mushrooms, and I had more than enough time. So if you hadn't been here, I wouldn't have found so many goodies.
   Even so, once the darkness had subsided, the girl should have left, but she was still there, beside him. Since then, he began to love her.
   And since then the moments have turned into days, and the days into wonderful, pleasant months. The day the knight took care of his business, but thinking ahead and his heart beating to break his chest. She looked like she was watching at dawn at the parental inn, receiving orders from travelers and other knights, tired of their compliments. This made her look even more beautiful. At night, when he was too tired, he did not forget to pass by the inn. He picked up some flowers on the way, left them on the windowsill, beat and left. He knew the girl would know who left her flowers.
   On holidays, when the girl had to work, he would go to the inn and order food and a pint of beer. Thus, he could stand there, admiring her, seeing how hard-working and helpful he could be. He admired his being, tasted her smile, kept her scent, simply crushed flowers on her fine skin, waited impatiently for the girl to pass by him and give her a smile or a fleeting look. The thing that comforted him even more was that the smile was just for him, no other gentleman had this privilege except him. It was happening that the girl needed help, and he couldn't stand his hands in her breast, right? A box that was too heavy, too, or a customer too drunk or too insensitive was still happening. So he got up nice and nice from the table and jumped in for help. The heavy crate found perfect place in his fleeting arms, or he jumped unknowingly with a kick in the ass or other. And in the evening, when the inn finally began to empty, and the customers to go to their houses or rooms, she thanked them for everything with a kiss on the cheeks. A kiss, which meant everything to him.
   And when the days finally came when they both had little spare time, it was consumed on short or long walks, picnics, picking berries, discussions, singing and poetry under the sun, dancing and music, small pleasures that the heart enjoyed. Thus the day went on, and at night they cooled beneath the vault of the sky covered with stars, in the grass, like the velvet, and embraced it again, and he wished that those moments would remain eternal.
   Thus the love between them grew, more and more beautiful, that the cherry blossoms.
   Finally, the day of the supreme decision to come. The sun shone through the cracks of the celestial vault, now covered by the gray clouds that cast brutal shadows on the earth. The rain had not yet started, but it was news alone. The wind was always pleasant, the aromas of nature begging to be drunk. The smell of grass, the damp smell of rainy weather, the earth, the trees, the flowers and all the other scents specific to people's homes, ran through your nostrils, dizzying you. People continued their day-to-day activities or celebrated by who knows what the locals are up to. The villagers, most of them, worked in the fields, to prepare the food with which they would survive. They seemed to be reconciled with themselves, reconciled with that lifestyle. To our dear knight everything seemed wonderful, cheerful. Soon, in front of him, the inn was shown, and behind it was a dark forest. Once he reached the inn, the knight noticed something strange. Notice the tranquility surrounding the wooden construction. How can a inn, even in broad daylight, be quiet? He started knocking on the door, because it seemed locked, he didn't want to knock. No answer. He threw more force into it, forming a cocktail of emotions. Again the sound of tranquility, the sound of nothing beating his load. This time he was preparing to break the door. Seeing him, a peasant approaches him.
   - Excuse me, sir? he asked me humbly.
   -What do you want!?
   - I think I have something for you. From the hanger's face, ”said the peasant, stretching out a yellowed carved sheet.
   -Give it to me!
   The peasant went a little closer to hand him the knight's sheet. He started to leave, but was stopped by the knight.
   D ... ..d ... .da? he asked, shaking.
   And with these words the knight handed him 3 coins.
   No ... .we ... can ... I ... .we ....
   -Keeps !!
   Once the peasant took the money and left, the knight opened the piece of paper, waiting for some answers. The following words were written, stenciled and in poor pronunciation:

   To my beloved knight,
               Honey, do you remember when we first met? As clear as I am, I'm sure! Near a small pond in the forest, lonely and sad, you were sitting on a log. You looked so handsome, clever, beautiful, gentle, like a nobleman. I fell in love with you! I love you! Once we met you, you looked so happy next to me, and you made me love you better. You helped others, me, you loved and admired me, and then I fell in love with you even more. Through a merciful nobleman I can tell you these things.
                 Tears flow as I say this, but, my dear knight, I cannot stay here, I cannot stay with you!
                 My father's inn was impoverished, and he closed them. We have no money, the last, and few, we offered to the nobleman for the price of paper and busy time. They were the lowest possible prices, so we were assured. So without any warning or news, today our dad started packing to go and try our luck somewhere else.
   I don't want to do that, I don't want to leave you. But I have to follow my father, this is my duty as an unmarried daughter.
   I will never forget you, I cannot and will not. Be sure that I will always love you and always take care of my whole heart. I hope you won't forget me too, my sweet knight
                                                                                       With love and truth, dear sweetheart. "

   Not! That can't be true! The one he loved most, the one he needed most to breathe, to live, suddenly disappeared. Definitely and forever.
   Emotions clutched his hands with the paper, then his heart ached, his mind clouded, tears began to fill his eyes, making him see through the canvas, and then his knees fell under his own weight. The crying began to control his body, snorting from him. Now her smell, her hair, her body, her hands, her eyes, her being would only appear to you in dreams. Only there she could see you. Why? Why didn't he tell her earlier? Why didn't he come after him? He would have left behind for her! She could have become a hangman or a peasant next to her! Why didn't he tell her?
   The rain began to fall, the splashes of rain hitting the armor like mats. A troop of knights approached him, they observed him on the road. He saw a handsome blond man in shining armor, tears streaming down his cheeks. They approached him and found the farewell letter on the soft earth, read it and so not only did they discover the suffering of the poor man, but they understood it. They tried to calm him down, they even cried with him, just like children. In the end, they all calmed down. But now something had changed. The gentleman with clear eyes, with a smile on his lips, with a cheerful, life-giving smile, was lost in his thoughts, his eyes drowned in tears and blurred with pain, his smile lost, and now he was only grieving. They took him with him, comforted him with words as they knew best, gave him food and drink, even tried to give him some girls. They tried everything! Nothing worked!
   Finally, the knight rose from the table, thanking the others for all they did, he wanted to pay for his consumption, but they refused. They offered to send him home, but he refused.
   Finally at home, he lay down to sleep. He went to sleep to forget everything. To forget loneliness, love, pain, rejection, abandonment, sadness, anger, to try to forget her. The next day he went back to sleep, for the same reasons. The third day, all the same. Fourth, the same. Fifth, that's all. And so the days became months. The days and the months, the moments and the hours meant continuous pain and sadness, what else could they mean? Thus, left, he continues his time.
   The knights continued to visit him, tried to become good friends, but he still remained distant. A few months after the girl's departure, the blond knight became ill, reaching a serious condition. The disease seizes his mind, destroying it, making it lifeless all the time. And after the mind, the body followed.
   The last moments for our knight came, the other knights standing by him, holding his hand, helping him with the food, making his last moments easier. Moving his gaze to the one holding his hand, the blond knight observes the hard tears in his eyes. He then looks at the others and notices the tears of the others. That angered him, made him sad, but he enjoyed it a little. Didn't that mean he had real friends?
   - Friends, I see you sad and you are just controlling your tears. I apologize for how I behaved towards you, when you were so wonderful to me. These are my last moments in these centuries, I am glad to have you near me. Thank you for what you have for me and for what you have gone through. Thank you friends!
   And then, in a whisper, his voice almost extinguished, he said, "If she had been ...".
   Once he finished talking, the blonde knight fell asleep. Now he was no longer in that room, in that bed, with that sick body, now he was away. It was on a green meadow, astonished, soaked by the rays of the sun. The sky was clear, with only a few fluffy clouds. And then she saw it. It was her! But how can one? Was it a dream? Was it real? Was it death? But does it still matter? They ran towards each other and when they met they threw themselves into each other's arms.
   -My love!
   -My dreams!
   They began to dance surrounded by rays of light. He held her tight to her chest and kissed her.
   Once his head rested on the pillow, the knight stopped breathing, his life flowing from his body. The knights could not stop, they began to muzzle their dead friend. No matter how many men they were, tears had seized him.
   Thus, the blond knight died out of his life still young, but with his soul free.