

The Kiss that Felt Real
This is the story of a girl-simple,happy and carefree. Her bright smiling eyes shine with a million dreams of a beautiful life, with her handsome prince who is so caring and loving, that her heart wells with joy. In a rainy day they were walking bare footed, hand in hand. Their feet touching the wet mud. They were smelling the intoxicating aroma of the land that bathed in the waters of heaven. Dancing with the rhythm of rain, they were singing loudly,with no tension of being called a freak by a passerby. They were chasing each other. He caught her. Holding her in an embrace and swirling around, they seemed like deities of love.Their laughter mixed with the sound of the shower became a music, so soothing to the ears. The prince locked a kiss on her forehead and she returned a peck.
Oh! What is this ugly ringing noise. Oh no something invisible is pulling my prince away. He is disappearing in ripples. Leaping forward in a jump to catch him, SPLASH,I fell into a puddle.
It was 7 a.m when I woke up. I was angry at myself for setting the alarm, or I could have spent some more time with my crush. The prince charming, whom I will never have. Well, the kiss felt real.

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