

Rue Part 4
Nadie complied with the old man's request and went back to bed. The old man brought her some chicken soup. It was nice and warm. She thanked him and went back to sleep.
Meanwhile Rue lead Tiny to where she left Nadie.
“Shhh... Let's be very quiet.” Rue said as they both cautiously hid themselves behind a big tree. They heard someone digging and sobbing . Tiny jumped from behind the tree. “Nadie...” he whispered as his eyes beamed with joy. Rue grabbed his shirt and pulled him back. “You idiot.” She whispered while hitting him on his head. Tiny pouted a little. “Who's there?” said an angry little girl. Rue and Tiny hudled together tightly behind the tree, trying their best not to be seen or heard. Tears rolled down Rue's cheeks. Why isn't Nadie here? What if she’s dead? What if we're next? Where could she have gone? If she’s gone she did so to save Molly and me. She might have sacrificed her life so that we could escape. I wish it were me instead of Nadie. Her life is so much more precious than mine. I’m useless. Why did Nadie sacrifice herself to save a pitiful girl like me. I can't even rescue her, I'm that useless. I should have... Rue's thought was interrupted by Tiny. “Hey look! Two of them are injured. One isn't here. It's only the kids that are left here . And Nadie isn't here. She might have escaped after injuring those two.” He whispered into Rue's ears.
“Sharpie I'll go check if someone's here. You keep an eye on Bruce.”
Rue grabbed Tiny’s hand and rushed towards a bush nearby while keeping her eyes on Clarice at all time. Clarice had a knife in her hand as she searched behind the tree they were hiding at. “It's just some stupid birds” she said. She threw her knife at a bird. It fell down along with the knife. She picked it up and jabbed the knife into the tree along with the bird.
What a monster Tiny thought. How could some one so small and cute do something like this. He could not believe what he saw. He wondered what happened to his friend Nadie. Would she be able to handle the missing girl if she was after her? I wish I could be there with her he thought.
“Let's burry brother right here. We can't take him home without our cart. Start digging a grave for him Sharpie.” She ordered Sharpie.

Nadie woke next morning when the sun lit her face. No one was there. She got up from bed and went to search for them. Her body still hurt. It took a lot of effort to move. She had lost a lot of blood which had weakened her. The children were playing outside with three goats. “Are they your goats?” Nadie asked.
“Yeah, that one's the mom and the rest of them are her babies” said Toby pointing at a white and black goat.
“Her babies are grown up now. We found her injured so we thought she would be an easy prey. But she was pregnant and grandpa says we should be nice to pregnant ladies.” Maya said.
“The mama goat is called Nancy and she gives us milk every day.” Toby said.
“Where's your grandpa?” Nadie asked.
“He's gone to bring food. He'll be back soon.” Toby said.
“Grandpa left some milk for you. I'll go get it.” Maya said.
“Go lie down sis. You'll get tired.” Said Toby.
Nadie sat on the bed. “You kids are really nice you know. Thanks for looking after me. I'm grateful to you and grandpa. If you guys ever need any kind of help, don't hesitate to call me. I'll show you guys where we live.” Nadie said with a big smile which lit up her face. She drank the milk Maya bought her. “Yummy! I haven't had milk since ever. It's so nice and sweet. I wish Molly could have had this.” Nadie said.
“Thanks sis.” They both said together.
...... to be continued
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