

The in perfect List
The In perfect List
Chapter One
It's been 3 years since she broke up with Joe, since then she hasn't seen anyone that could match her list. she always has a plan for everything,plan for work,plan on how to use her money,plan her daily activities,and even plan for cooking. but she couldn't get a good plan to solve her single life.
One Monday morning when she was preparing to go to work,she was dressing up when she got a call.
It was her friend, Tania,Tania is her closest friend,in her place of work.
She picked the call,and they started talking...
Good morning Vicky,Tania greeted.
Morning Tania,Why calling this early?
Well I've been waiting for you,why aren't you here yet?
It's only 6:40,or has meeting started already? Vicky...