

A SHAME......
Yellow marigold flowers decoration, mango leaves on the gateway, Sehnai and Drumbeats, guests and all....Today is Sudha and Tarun's marriage. Finally, after 9 years of relationship there families agreed and the ceremony marks the beginning of their love bond. Sudha in her red and Golden lehnga looking no less like Goddess Laxmi and is blushing over the teasing of her friends. Tarun has arrived with barat ...this is the day they both waited for so long.
It's been two years since there married life began, both are the happiest on earth now. But the only thing they now wish is for a child, who will the symbol of their loving life. They both have so many dreams following the birth of the child...."he or she whoever it will be....will be our world". And finally after many medication and prayers they got the news that finally they gonna be parents. But as per doctors it won't be a normal birth....Sudha is very weak for a childbirth. Tarun is afraid, he don't want to loose Sudha, but sudha assured him that she'll be fine, she want their child to look how beautiful this world is. Tarun is now taking all the precautions and has become more caring than before.
Today is the day of delivery, Sudha is in labour for 12 hours and all the contractions have made her mind numb, while Tarun is by her side consoling her. The C-section begins...her womb is cut..so much pain...oh my god...but than after 14 hours finally they hear the cry. Suddenly out of all the pain there is a smile on their face.... the pain completely disappeared...the blood now do not haunt her.....her C-sectioned womb is now concious of her baby's presence. God has listened to their prayers and a lovely girl is born whom they named "JAHAN" (their world)
After 18 years of jahan birthday, Sudha physically and Tarun financially has become very weak. Tarun is a common cashier at the bank and sudha manages the whole household. But never there been any day where they've made jahan felt any shortening of anything. Jahan also is a very nice child—
beautiful in her posture
ettiquous in her stature
benevolent in her Nature
in total a complete loving creature

She is intelligent as well, since childhood all the love ushered by her parents have made her very close to them. She after school shares everything with them. Even about the guy is infatuated to buy she ain't sure.....both her parents laughed and assured her that are with her in every decision of her.
Jahan has completed her schooling, and is now thinking of pursuing her career in medical. Both sudha and Tarun are confident that Jahan will get 98%+ marks in higher secondary and they will admit her in the best institute for medical. Jahan too is very hopeful. She has never seen the face of defeat...a class topper.... school's headgirl, hockey team captain....
Today is the result day, the moment Jahan typed her roll number to check her result, she gets shattered into tears......85% ......"only 85% ...how can it be?...I did so well...no no no no...it can't be...how will I face this world now.... everyonw will laugh at me...I let down everyone...no no no ...no appa....no mma...my world has ended...I can't live now". listening everything the couple cried within but are hidding their tears and saying “Jahan...these are fantastic marks..u know we never scored above even 70% and see our lovely daughter...our jahan has made history by scoring above 80%...such is your achievement my dear...u know so many students would've scored below 50%....u r a genius our jahan...pls don't cry..we can't see u like this"... All these consolations now do not matter for Jahan. Her mind is full of shame...the bullying which she'll face.
5 days are passed now...a dark room with torn pages and broken furniture is the place where Jahan is sitting right in the corner, trying to be hidden from everyone as if she has committed a crime. She has forgotten all the hardships of her mother while giving her birth...their love for her....her father's efforts... everything...why her name is Jahan...who she is to her parents.....their world...but no....all in her mind is those strangers who have done nothing for her ever...and she is afraid of them only.....the girl who used to share even the minutest detail of her school is now hidding the biggest decision of her life.
Sudha is knocking the door...Tarun is continuously calling on her phone.....no reply.
"I can't live like this...I am a shame....I am a shame....Shame.. ..Shame ....Shame..Shame...no no no.....no....NOOOOOOO... she shouts "SHAMEEEEEEEE" and the blade simply cuts her vein.....all the blood flowing on the floor.....the pure red blood....same blood which nurtured her soul, body, vein everything...even her mind....which made her think of this step....she is just letting it flow like water...as if it never mattered to her
It's been 5 years of her demise.....Sudha has died of shock and Tarun is in mental asylum......The moment their Jahan died....there world actually died.....She was not only a child for .. she was there life..... symbol of their love...their only world.....her ending her own life without sharing anything made her parents think that "for sure we are the culprits...we were never her confidant....we never could done best of ourselves for her....we are the worst parents.....Shame on us...SHAME...SHAME... SHAME....."

Thanks for reading guys..... think thousand time before ending your life....it's not only yours life.....the one who have given birth to you should be more important to u than the outsiders whom u don't even know...... friends it literally requires a lot more courage to cut your own skin or to harm you than to gain courage to try living again for your loved ones who might die without u in guilt....pls stop committing suicide...it ain't a solution ...pls think of this..... we'll are amazing we've have everything...a perfect body which functions so well.....no disability....this body this life is a blessing......never try to end it like this......it's a crime against your loved ones.....
© Ritu