

The magical Garden(chapter 6)
"Are you ok...?" Lilith asked. The girl did not speak and started fading slowly and dissapeared. Then Lilith sighed and stood up. She walked arround to explore the terrifying place. Then she saw a tree. She walked to it and saw 3 white ιfaces(only head,mouth,nose,eyes and long white hair) hanging from thwir hair on the tree. "Hello..." Lilith said a bit scared."Who are you?" they replied."My name is Lilith" "Can you do us a favor Lilith..?". "Sure, what is it?" she replied. "Go search for a comb in this garden and brush our hair to let us free". Lilith nodded and started searching everywhere but she did not find anything... Suddenly she saw a tree falling down revealing stairs that let you go under the ground
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