

SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome -related coronavirus )
The article is about a species of coronavirus comprising multiple strains. For the strain that causes SARS,see severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. For the strain that causes COVID-19 ,see severe acute respiratory syndrome cooronavirus 2.
severe acute respiratory syndrome related coronavirus (sars coV or SARSr -cov is a species of coronavirus that infects human ,bats,and certain other mammales.It is an envelope positive sense ss RNA virus that enters its hold cell by binding to the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor .
It is a member of the genus
Betacoronavirus and subgenus Sarbecoronavirus.
Two strains of the virus have caused outbreaks of severe respiratory diseases in humans:severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-cov or SARS- cov -1)wich courses the 2002 -2004 of (SARS),and (SARS cov -2),which is causing the 2019 -20 pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID- 19). There are hundreds of other strains of SARS -CoV, all of which are only known to infect non human species:bats are a major reservoir of many strains of SARS related of coronaviruses,and several strains have been identified in palm civets ,which were likely ancestors of SARS -CoV.
The SARS -related coronavirus was one of several viruses identify by the World health of organizations (WHO) 2016 as a likely cause of future epidemic in a new plan developed after the Ebola epidemic for urgent research and development before and during an epidemic towards diagnostic tests.Vaccines and medicines.The prediction came to pass with the 2019 -20 coronavirus pandemic.