

If Mahatma Gandhi Lived in Our Time!
If Mahatma Gandhi Lived In Our Times:
Mahatma Gandhi - a great epitome of Truth, about whom most of us have just read in our history books, if he were to live in this current time, what might have been? A topic of deep interest and enthusiasm! There are a thousand different possibilities of what would have been, and people might write it in numerous( points but I (doing a great research, maybe more than my exam preparations) will like to emphasize on a particular topic, and again it's all just a possibility and a world of wonder!
Disclosing the awaited topic : "Reunion"!
1947, a year of deep importance, filled with both laughter and tears, when Pakistan and India was seperated, and again,1971 when West and East Pakistan was seperated. Hindustan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh was one and is one, Mahatma Gandhi would have emphasized. Mahatma Gandhi was not able to stop the partition doesn't mean he didn't wanted, he was opposing it with his full might but was stuck between great leaders JawaharLal Nehru and Muhammad Ali Jinnah, where he offered the position of PM to Muhammad Ali Jinnah for stopping the partition but things didn't work. Moreover Mahatma Gandhi's refusal of providing Brahmans a separate electorate so as to keep the equality and unity shows he had always dreamt of unity! And lastly Mahatma Gandhi reciting Quran verses shows he had no hatred towards Muslims! (much of which we should have read in our history books, but noone cares of the beauty of togetherness) Might he had resolved the matter but unfortunately he died just the next year. But as the topic says Mahatma Gandhi is Alive, this possibility is possible. Many students might end up writing of of mending the corruption and crimes, but our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization. - Mahatma Gandhi!
Mahatma Gandhi would have pressurized upon the fact that India is the largest diversity, then why can't it be the largestest diversity? I know no such word exists but why can't India be an Example for the entire world? That Yes we too can live all together, no hindus, no muslims , no differences, all equal and all same! Basically no Hindustani, no Pakistani and no Bangladeshis! Mahatma Ganghi would have said so! As Mahatma Gandhi said : if the struggle was against injustice, then physical force was not necessary to fight the oppressor. So is here we'll get the justice when we are together, it's our right to be together! We people are just poisoned by hearing of each other as enemies, but we still love each other deep in our hearts.. Might the soldiers at the border fight and kill and are killed, might there be some people really hating but the other entire nation of all 3 who is quite who is unaware still live in a world of lack of knowledge. Mahatma Gandhi would have been educating the nations and for sure because thus is the Mahatma Gandhi of today's world, he would use the internet means and still those who are in the poorer region would also get the knowledge because remember this is Mahatma Gandhi! And clearing the fact of what is needed to be educated is that those seperated from us are noone but our own brothers and sisters and we are the best together! And yes as he did used to, Mahatma Gandhi today would also be calm, peaceful and kind with every one be it us or our brothers or our sisters! He must have avoided the word different nations and borders and hatred.
I know this is a very controversial topic and these are basically my strong thoughts and feelings which we must give a thought upon, which Mahatma Gandhi could have made true! Through the means of this essay I just don't will to win a prize but to maybe light a matchstick! Oh well coming back to Mahatma Gandhi,
If necessary he would have apologized for :
"One mistake from anyone of us,
Let's apologize all three
Let's forgive all three!
Let the future kids read in their textbooks : "through a lot of struggles and difficulties we are finally together, a united nation becoming the biggest example of virtue and victory, our again joined up country 'INDIA' this time with Pakistan and Bangladesh! We had in our minds that If east and west Germany can unite, why not East and West India? And so we did United and are at the level of best infront of you!"
Mahatma Gandhi would have been this miracle!
I don't know who was at wrong, who at right, who did the mistake, who had to suffer, as I wasn't alive then but what I know is that we all regret, yes we do, once in our lives we surely think of what If there was no partition? The partition might have brought some great good changes too at a different perspective, but then too joining will bring greater best changes! And as Gandhi Ji said that we'll achieve the true freedom when we erase every tear from every eye, we can be erased of our tears when we are with our family, our siblings! Let's forget who did what, Let's live as we used to but this time more powerful and more strong, riots will ultimately decrease power will ultimately increase in terms of economic, social, financial and most importantly emotional needs!
Moving aside of the topic, to face the reality - if going a bit spritual, we all possess a Gandhi in us, we obviously call him the Father of Nation! So if the father is not alive, we still are and can do what our Father would have done! And Back to the topic, I think Mahatma Gandhi would have fulfilled my dream, my dream of Peace, Harmony, Unity, Fraternity and Freedom!
© Masha