


"In the dense forest, a lion was searching for food. As it couldn't find any prey, it got tired and thirsty due to the scorching sun. It then headed towards a pond to quench its thirst. In the pond, it saw crystal clear water and was delighted. Just as it was about to drink, a mischievous frog started jumping around, disturbing the water and making it difficult for the lion to drink. The lion tried to catch the frog, but it cleverly dodged and hid in the water. The lion waited for a long time, but the frog didn't come out. It thought, 'This frog won't come out, and I'll wait here till it does.'

The lion's friend came searching for it and found it sitting by the pond. The friend asked, 'What's wrong with you? Why are you sitting here?' The lion replied, 'I came to drink water, but a frog is teasing me. I won't let it go.' The friend said, 'This doesn't seem right. The frog won't come out, and we have to go back to our den.' But the lion didn't listen.

At night, the lion heard a strange sound and saw the frog sitting on its head, teasing it. The lion couldn't sleep and was annoyed. In the morning, the frog jumped on the lion's head again, and the lion caught it. But the frog slipped away, laughing. The lion's friend laughed and said, 'You're being foolish. The frog is an amphibian and can live in both water and on land. It's also very slippery, so it can easily escape. Do you think you can catch it and eat it? This is ridiculous! Come on, let's go.'

The lion felt ashamed and realized its mistake. It thought, 'I was blinded by anger and wasted my time.' The lion and its friend then left the pond."

© Writer Sindhu Bhargava