


Chapter 2

Not everyone in life is there to stay, nor does everything last forever. Death is one of the most tragic pain that everyone is afraid of and never wish to have it in their family.
Each and every year begins with joy and happiness as parents get ready for their children’s first day to school but one never know how each day will end because tomorrow is never promised for anyone just enjoy each moment. How that end, will end only matters if you made to the next year and survived tragedy. My year in grade 2 started well but who would have thought that aunt’s girl will loss someone along the road. It was just a normal day as actually afternoon go home rest and eat aunt’s food(oh trust me aunt’s food is the best of them all and you will wish to have her hands until you are married) but who knew that, aunt’s food will be the last of them.
As we were growing up, we knew that punishment was what we actually learnt from even though some of the punishments were not really meant for. On that day, aunt got punished by one of her teachers for not doing his work. How can one punish a student to dig a sewage hole whilst he knows that she is suffering from heart condition? Well that’s what he did o punishile mmengwane atseba gore onale boletxwe txwa phelo afetxa asebe le thaba gore okwa dipain or bjwang (he punished aunt knowing that she has a heart problem and he never cared if she is okay or not.)That day, she tried walking home from school but along the way she lost her strength due to the dust filled in her. Luckily, one of her classmates run and called uncle (since he was still at school) to come help aunt walk home.
When she got home, she just went straight to bed to take her daily nap before doing her chores. Everything seemed well until when my grandparents (her parents) arrived, her heart started to react to the dust from the sewage hole that she was digging as her punishment. As her heart continued to react to the dust, she was rushed to the hospital since it was being more uncontrollable (worse). Days and weeks went by without seeing her and losing her was one of my worst fear by then because she was more than an aunt to me but mother because she always loved me as one of child and took good care of me.Things became more awful after she said to my grandparents “please tell the teacher that punished me that I’m hospitalised because of the punishment he gave me and for not listening to me.No child deserve to go through such a punishment because one never knows about someone’s health until they find out and please tell the school to fire him”.
Those were the last words that she spoke and can never be forgotten because of what she has done to the school she was learning in.She actually saved a lot of students from suffering because of some cruel teachers who never give them the voice to say what they want to say. Her funeral was one of the memorable funerals filled with churches from different places, students and community paying respect to a young loving blessed and unforgettable lady who was filled with passion, ambition and had an angelic voice whenever she sang.