

Feel the love
It is a story about a boy who was hidden inside a cave in an anonymous forest.This boy is cursed because of his ancestors.The ancestors of his family has done a big grave mistake.

They have begged deities to forgive them.
So deities have gave them a last chance to save from the curse that is that their child will remove this curse by a superpower given to him by a girl.

Upto the right time, the boy has to survive in that forest and when he saw that special girl then he can get the uncontrollable superpower that can remove his Ancestral curse.

He lives in that forest for 25 years waiting for that girl,when he tries to come out of the forest then a superpower will push him back to the forest.He lost his parents due to that curse.

One day a lady forest officer enter into the forest.She is there to investigate about a murder case happened in the forest.Few days back a forest officer was killed suspiciously.

The body was found after somany days and there wasn't any evidence of attacking of wild animal on his body and he was shot by a bullet.Here comes the question that who killed him?

The lady officer got the task to investigate the case.She got excited by listening to the case and she immediately went to the forest for finding the clues about that murder.

She build a small camp to stay in that forest.Here the boy was witnessed the girl arrival in the forest.He excitedly went to see the girl.When he saw the girl ,he felt very happy about that girl arrival.

He wants to check her whether she is the person that he is waiting for these many years.He don't know how to check her,he is waiting for the right situation.

After the next day he got a dream in which his ancestors told a clue about finding that girl.They told that when he touch her leg in supermoon day then he will get the superpower he need.

When he wakes up then he is in full dilema about how to touch her leg.The girl started to search for the clue about the murder.She encounters the cave in that forest and she tried to enter into it .

When she entered the cave,then she finds the stuff of person living in that cave, then she thinks that it is the den of the murderer.She hides in the cave and waits for the boy arrival.

The boy didn't came to the cave for the whole day.The girl fell asleep while waiting in the cave.It has rained heavily at that night and the boy came to the cave in the middle of night.

The boy encounters the girl and he felt tensed while looking at her in that position.He rushed at her to see her position.She felt unconscious due to less energy as she didn't ate nothing from morning.

The boy fed her some food that he had with him.Due to darkness the girl is not able to see the face of boy.She thanked him for helping her.He lifted her and make her to sleep at couch in that cave.

When the morning has come, then the boy left the cave before she wakes up.She searched for him in the cave and she didn't find him.She felt very disappointed and she left the cave.

After two days she is roaming in the forest to find any clue and she saw a tiger hiding behind the trees.She tries to shoot the tree so that tiger will be scared and left that place.

But at the same time the boy stops her to shoot.He drags her away from that place.The girl tries to talk with him but he stops her from talking with him.He took her to his favourite place in that forest.

He took a cloth and tied at her shoulder because it is bleeding meanwhile she is looking at him passionately.He asked her why she has been injured,then she replied that she has tripped and fall on a thorn tree and got injured.

She asks his name and then he tells that he don't have any name and has no family,then she asks why he has been staying in this forest with no one here.He has no answer to tell her.

She tries to understand his helpless situation and she offers help to him.She tells him that she can take him outside the forest but he declines the offer.She tries to convince him but he is not ready to listen her words.

She shows the photo of the murdered police officer and ask him that he knows anything about that officer.He replied that he knows nothing about the officer.

She felt clueless about the case and she asks that if he finds any suspicious thing happend in the forest recently,then he told that he listened shooting sound but he didn't found anyone with gun there.

When she listened that from him then she felt very anxious about the case and she asks his help to find the killer of the case.He promised to help her to close this case.They head out to the murder spot to find the clues.

At the murder spot she finds blood on leaves then she sent that blood samples to forensic report to test those samples.The boy tries to ask help from her.He felt less courage to ask help from her and didn't expressed his opinion to her.

It has become evening and they climb on big tree to take rest.They talked with each other about so many things happening around them.She felt asleep on his shoulder.

He looked at her the whole night without sleeping because she is the first human he saw for the past 25 years.He mesmorized with her inner beauty and the courage that she possess to survive in this wild forest.

When the morning comes the girl wakes up and notices that he didn't slept whole night and asked why he didn't slept then he replied that he kept an eye on surrounding wild animals to ensure their safety.

The girl felt very impressed that he is very responsible person.she wants to take him out of this forest.The day came when the hero is eagerly waiting to get the power from the special girl to remove the curse.

The boy felt very scared that if he misses this day he will never get the chance to get out of this forest.The girl finds a secret camp at the down of waterfalls in the forest.

The boy and girl enters near the camp site and the girl is ready to shoot.She heard the voice of the victim that he explains how he has killed the officer,then girl took the revolver and started shooting at them.

The boy helped her to catch them, successfully they catched the victim and their gang.She sent them to her squad and she planned to leave the forest at night time.

The girl asked him to come with her,then he asked for one favour,then she asked what she can do to help him.Then he replied that he has to touch her leg.She said no because her leg has so many unhealed wounds which will get hurt by touching them.

Then he told he can cure the wounds with the ayurvedha available in the forest.She agreed to it the he applied the ayurvedha medicine to her leg and touched softly her leg.

Then he told her that she has walked a very hard path to get here.The girl felt very pleased because he understood the pain hidden in her heart.

By understanding each other feelings they have created a pure bond between them that has given so much superpower to him,so that he can break the ancestral curse.

Finally the girl and boy left the forest and lived happily with each other.

© Sreeja