

Trust God.
When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, what would you do? throw away the ticket and jump off or you still sit and trust the engineer?
definitely you will trust the engineer because if you jump off you will die. Am I right? so no matter how dark is your situation or what kind of circumstances you go through. Don't take any decisions that make you regret in your future, just trust the Almighty God. You may say "I trust God but my life is so messy" or "God never hear my prayer" No dear! Why don't you tell it's a trial or an opportunity to make it better? Always remember when God is silence he's doing something for you, you may not realize now but in future you will thank him.! Kneel down, pray, then let it go. Don't try and manipulate or force the outcome. Just keep faith on God. He will shine through your darkness. And he will open the right doors at the right time.
© Dana Hephzibah