

Almost every aspect of the human race is based on the ability to interact with one another. Right from the family setting or the household to the community and global atmosphere, we interact to get work done. The process of interacting simply requires two or more individuals and probably a topic to discuss. Perhaps we might start with the usual body language, where we look at each, observe the demeanor of a colleague or the lead speaker and perhaps try to position ourselves in the best way possible so as to take in and give out information effectively.

When we interact in a formal setting, the goal is to achieve a purpose that has already been designed for the success of the office or an organisation at large. Informal interaction however comes with no planning whatsoever. Perhaps it could be between you and the person sitting next to you on the bus or the person walking pass you on your way to another location. Yet within the process of interaction lies that intangible awareness of the fact we are human and when we are gathered, there is immense power for our survival.

From one generation to the next, numerous challenges are brought before us and within that same generation the solutions are found. From diseases of all kinds to famine and climate change, the human race still stands tall. One might say, we are here and life is meaningful because of one simple reason. We can say to one another, this is me and you are with me. When this affirmation is made, we go to work with all the possible diligence and skills we can marshal to make the universe tick.

That is the power of interaction we cannot ignore. Though we are born on different periods and under different occasions we tend to look alike by virtue of interacting with each other. Actually there is no way the human race can survive without the power of interaction. If we consider it at various levels, be it sharing emotions or manking way for another activity, the only way this can be made possible and successful is to interact.
