

High above the clouds, an artist works on a massive Canvas, using the hues of the sunrise till the sunset. Their palette is a spectrum of cloud formations, and their brushstrokes create sweeping patterns across the ether. Below, the waking world marvels at the ever-changing art in the heavens.
Beneath the pinnacles, lies an ancient city collecting dust of a forgotten library. Tall shelves carved into the rocks are filled with dusty tomes and scrolls, containing lost knowledge and secrets of the the man in the clouds. Dimly lit by candles, the atmosphere he provokes is one of mystery and discovery, inviting explorers to uncover its hidden truths, attracting with it the hunger of vices to corrupt
He forgets what makes him human in the first place every so often as he thrives in altitudes up so high of dreams he crafts,
So precise with his precision
So adorable with his adorned
When he collapses into an orgy of hues and surrenders to the escape, in more ways than none,
He creates his own heavenly addiction, with an insatiable longing of reoccurring catharsis.
He is: The Choir and The preacher
The Congregation and The Church
The Medium and The Gospel
A Saint and A Sinner
Under a sky adorned with drops of virtues will trigger rain fall gently, as if nature had a say.
He lives in his moment and tomorrow, only you and I remained, wrapped in awe's embrace, too much to say yet silent we stay with our souls unchained.
#imagine #Beauty #story #creative #thoughts

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