

Am I Evil
I dont know what I am doing. I have no one, I have nobody on my side of my corner. I have no friend I have been in love with the same girl for the last 15 years and she is within reach and I am so sure I have her, but I am terrified. I have done so many wrongs I have no friend left to call my own. I nearly lost my own best fiend Robin who I love more than myself and all for that one girl. I was going to lose him also, since I dont deserve her, she is the light of my life, and here I am just thinking about her and doing nothing. I have tried multiple suicide attempts, I have begged many people, I have done so many bad things in my life. This is my karma, I think I wont ever have her but is it so am I a bad person? Am I really a bad person People consider me a genius a guy who can do many thigs in life who can make people laugh smile and make people at ease. I have done my bit share of the good. People say that good and bad reside in the same man is that true? I dont believe so. I believe a God is watching everything, he is watching what is happening in our world and is hoping that good will win over evil. Then why do we have people like Donald Trump like President, well to overcome them we have Prime Minister like Narendra Modi also...
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