

The three brother
The story is about three sibling liveing in a small town, they were working in agriculture. Their names were Jon, Mikl and Jo. They have been live in a happeness. One day, Jo decided to travel, but he was not had mony, so he conviced his tow brothers to sell their earth, and give him the mony he wants.
Jo traveled, but his brothers now hav not any thing enaible them to continue their life, because they paied all mony to their brother. Then one night as mikel lay on the ground courting sleep that would not come, a thought came to him. Mikl was happy, so he ran out as fast as he could toward his brother Jon, and he said "why we do not work in water allocation" Jon replaid "yes we have our well".
After four years Jon and Mikl became a rich men. While they were cooperate, their brother Jo was alone. Mikl and Jon decided to sent a messeg to Jo and ask him to Return,Jo came back to live together with his brothers in peace.
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