

Waiting on him to love her back.
She gave him all of her.
He breaks her into pieces.
Put herself back together,
but he yet drags her like a dog.
Do everything right, nothing seems to pleases him,cry when she takes a showers, wipe her tears before he walks in
ask her "if everything's good?", reply with an cheerful voice.
Behind closed door he hurts her, not just physically,
but verbally, mentally, and emotionally.
Do she thinks he means to tear her apart, maybe so or not.
She believes she is not his type of lady...
He wants an five star lady... Hmm...
She is more than a 10 star model... and a mother.., money and degree don't make anyone.
God makes us all.., leads us into the right path.
Gold digging isnt the righteous path.., lifting up his lady; the one; he'd so-called says he loves; now that's going in the right path., her feelings, her mind, her soul, her memories and all her wonder of piecefulness.,
Will she ever get back what she had; well.. what she thought she once had?, before moving in with each other.
Yes she learned something new, she follow all his instructions, she did what he wanted and what he asked of her.
YET!!! He still treat her like a Manni doll.
She supported him.
She cared for him,
She even communicated with him.
But in return she lost and child being hurt too many times; with stress and had to abort another.
Lord knows she wish she can still have twins, for her lost set of childrens, but she still stayed, why.. She don't know. Women's like her never gives up on the relationship.
They're built from ground up with solid foundation.. As woman's we fight for what we want.. But if he don't want her, what is the fuss and the mary mocka all about.
She waiting on him to show her love, real love, not no fake pretend type love not those tap kisses on lips, fake hugs and smiles from work or business trips.
The man she fell in love with, would of hugged her so tight and kissed her like he was eating ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner like there was no tomorrow, and she is queen of them all.
The one she know would of ask her in hand to marry him, and dies old together. Their love is just that strong that God leads the both in the right path of rightousness.
She waiting on him to love her back the way she loves him.