

Healing from Grief
All emotions are worthy to be here. Don't judge, control or suppress them. Let them come and go as they need too. Grief has stages but no sequence. Don't control it just accept and thank the emotions as they come.

Sadness, depression, anger, guilt, bargaining, denial all are a part of grieving. Allow them their rights and they will pass and go on their way.

When you block these emotions they become your prisoners that stays. Remember time heals nothing. You have to free your captives to heal. So let them pass on. Time just buries things alive and so deep you forget.

Change your language, you change the intensity of the pain. You can change even the story you tell yourself. "Not a loss, a progression of their state."
"Their soul is freed of It's human cage."
"They are with me closer than their human form allowed." Whatever works for you and eases the pain. Reduce the intensity of your pain.

To not hurt, to be numb, and celebrate the beauty of their life does not mean you are not grieving anymore or you are forgetting them. It just means you are processing your healing, use those joyous moments to sooth you the gaps you feel in your world.

Be kind to you, forgive you, acknowledge you had no power or say in this matter there is nothing you should have done could have done or was to do differently. We only came for a time to touch a few, as we should, and go. Bless the time not get caught up in the method of departure.

Birth and death are two gateways on the opposite ends of lifespan. Make peace with that. Death is a messenger of Joy. It is the end of journey well spent. Prayer for soul advances them and long, sad, grief can retard them. Never begrudge anyone their journey back to bliss.

Grief in peace.

Maria Collymore
Personal Development Coach