

for her ;)
Nothing can break us apart I know, nothing exists that can make differences in us I believe, and i won't let it, remember!
I myself don't know how come we got so close, but now when I think of it I don't think I'd ever want you to leave me ! ❤️

I want this is to be forever. I want to share all those deepest darkest secrets with no-one but you !
People say girls don't get well together, they've not seen us buddy! I bet they'll be jealous.Our matters are something that only we'd ever understand.Bruhhh what fun we do together ! Giving names to people...dudee this sounds soo harami types..but you know we're experts at it! 😂 Many of us might even hate, they ain't us dude ! they'll never be !💯
Lucky are those who have a bff in life and for life, I guess u should count myself in those lol.
You make me smile when I'm sad, you make me laugh even if I don't want to, you are my guide in every situation. 😅

I know we fight, I know some decisions of us don't match, I know you get angry and so do I, but you know what I also know that neither of us can stay mad at each other for more than a day ! It gets hard buddy, a fight is damn hard !🥺 But I know that it's temporary too and it would never last long, so...nahh I won't let that happen.
No matter what happens I'm not gonna let you go, get that in your dumb head. So I don't care whose fault it is after a fight if you don't come I will come to you, we'll just call each other bitches and everything sorted right ?😙 I mean,... we'll fight a little more and then be back together right ? 😅

Just don't ever be quiet before me. Tell me when you're sad, call me at 3 am and I'll be there for you. Let me know all your feelings and I'll sing a song for you with my beautiful voice so that you'll never be sad again. 😆(probably because you won't like it at all).
but never mind I'd still sing it. 😁
I don't know what you're gonna react after reading this but get one thing clear in your head ...
You'll always be the sister of my soul, the friend of my heart dummy ! 💗(you're favourite heart 😂)