

Magical Mountain !!
It is about those times when we were new in Puerto Rica. Dad did not tell us anything about the reason behind this instant change of plan. We knew that he was again transferred just like it always happened. But this time it was not that bad because the place we were going at the moment was a vacation spot. Everyone loves beaches and Puerto Rica was one of the best vacation spots. We all were happy. We wanted this to stay like this forever. My elder sister was always fighting with me. I had to pack my bags as soon as possible because we both were given only three bags to full it. So it was up to us to decide and fill our luggage. If I did not hurry, she would fill the luggage with her make up contents. And I too had many things to take to Puerto rica. I immediately started filling it with clothes. "Why are you filling the clothes ? No one wears anything there." She said in a cunning manner. "Is it so ? Then why are you filling your make up when no one is going to see there. You can roam there like a dirty pig just like you look without make up and no one will notice," I replied smartly. She got furious and threw a bag at me. I dodged it as soon as possible. "Mummy, Boris is irritating me" she cried loudly. " I took the bag she threw at me and ran out immediately. Atleast I had one whole bag for me. I just ran to my room and filled all my luggage and locked it as soon as possible. I was all set to go. Our flight was next day.
Finally we were in our flight and all sleeping, when suddenly we felt a shake. Whole plane was shook in a way as if someone took it in hand and shook it like a milk bottle. Everyone was scared. Soon we heard announcement of the pilot telling that it was just some bad weather. We touched Bermuda triangle boundary. I asked father about what was a Bermuda triangle. He told me that it is just a part of a rumor. My sister asked," What was the rumor?". He told us that it is believed that Puerto Rica forms part of a Bermuda triangle and everyone thinks that any ship or plane when goes through this particular triangle, never returns. We landed safely. Everyone was happy but I was the happiest. Our new house was just next to a beach. I could sit in my balcony and enjoy the sea breeze.
I kept playing all day round and slept there in the balcony itself. But immediately I heard a very loud boom sound. It was coming from the beach. I immediately rushed to the beach. No one else was there. It was strange because it was such a beautiful place that no one could resist visiting it day and night. I found two coral like objects lying deep in the sand of beach. "Is this some asteroid stone fallen from sky?" I thought. The moment I was about to touch it, a sea wave came and covered the objects with water. The land cracked and something started to come out of those stones. It was growing up and getting bigger and bigger. I ran back to balcony of my house and what I saw that within a matter of seconds a huge tree was standing at the place. Maybe the stones were some sort of seeds. Magical seeds may be. After a long wait and observance I decided to climb it up. I was feeling too eager to do this. Maybe I was attracted to the tree. I climbed and climbed and climbed. The tree was still growing at very fast rate. It grew and grew and grew and took me up high into the clouds. I was there in the clouds. I soon realised that there was some mountain cliff in those clouds and the branches of tree were straight going to that mountain. I instantly climbed and jumped into it's land. I was surprised to see the mountain. I went deep and deep into it. There were forests, hills ponds. I was looking into it when soon I heard something coming towards me. It was a thomping sound as if someone big was coming. I instantly hid behind the tree. And then I saw something very scary. A huge figure was coming towards me. It was a very big giant with scary face full of moles. I had never seen something like this before. It went away. I came out of the tree and started watching it go away when suddenly one more was coming behind it. I turned back and found that it was quite near. I was dead for sure. It did not see me but it was very much possible for me to get buried under it's feet. But at last moment something came out of the bushes nearby and took me in. I was saved for the moment. It was a man elder than me, of the age of my father's father. He was having big hairs and beard. May be he did not shave for a very long time. I just fell and laid on ground. The old man turned to my face and started watching if I was alive. I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Are you alright ?" he asked. "Yes I am", I replied. "Who are you ? And how did you come here ?" he started asking questions again. I was completely shocked. Death was just a few feet away from me. He took out a bottle out of his dirty clothes made up of thick leaves and made me drink water. Its taste was different. "Come let me help you up", he said. I stood up. "What is this place ?" I asked him, "A giant land?", I added. "No it does not belong to any Giants of your fairy tales and neither was that guy any giant", he said. "Then, what the heck was that ?" I asked shockingly. "The water you just drank, it turns normal sized things to giant size ones" he said with his eyes looking away from me. "What ??!!", I almost spit out all the water that was left in my mouth. But nothing could be done now because more than half of that liquid was already down my gut. "But how is that possible and why did you made me drink that ?", I asked him. "I did this for you to live, I have been living here from a very long time. This mountain on which we are standing, is very tall and is filled with very wierd things but the root to all wierd things is only that water you just drank."He said. "I can't understand a single thing, you old man", I shouted at him.
" I am a scientist you see. I was once doing study in my house when all of a sudden something very heavy fell in my backyard with a sound of boom. I immediately rushed to my backyard where I found two seeds in a crator. The pit was formed from the weight of those seeds. I waited for two days to see if something happens. I used to live with my son in that house. Our house was on a beach of Puerto Rica." he said. "Wait !! What ?"I asked. There is only one house on the beach and that is ours and so far as I know, it belonged to my family from centuries. "Is it the one with a big backyard and a volleyball court on the beach, the only house that is standing on the beach from centuries",I asked. "Yes ! That house belongs to my family from centuries. I used to live with my son John in it". I was completely shocked and amazed. John was my dad so that means I was talking to my grand dad. And finally I understood the reason behind dad coming to Puerto Rica. He came to find grand father. Destiny plays big games sometimes.
"I am John's son", I told him. He too was shocked and happy. "I am the happiest today of all," he exclaimed. All my life I spent searching for something amazing and that amazing thing I finally discovered. And that amazing thing is you and John. I have cursed this place all the time but this place taught me that family is the biggest treasure, one can ever find." he said. I hugged him and we remained in that position for many next moments. "Grandpa how do we get out from here ? And please tell me what is all happening around here ?" I asked. He told me that due to some magnetic field issues this place has some molecular vibration of very different frequency that has made water of this place with some unfair properties. Everyone who absorbs this water develop unique properties. Plants, trees, fruits, seeds, animals, and the Giants you just saw were actually humans who drunk that water. "But we too drank the same water, Isn't it Grandpa ?" I asked. "Yes, But I made some changes in it's molecular properties so it gives you good characters only, rather than large size and all", he said. "What good properties grandpa ?" I asked. "It can make us lighter than the wind like cotton and make us fly in air" he said. "It means we can fly to our home too?", I asked. "Yes we can, but I never tried it, because I am too old and weak to try such risky stunts,"he answered. "What about me ?" I asked. "You too are very young, I can't let my grandson jump from a cliff just like that," he said. "Then what do we do ?" I asked. "I had been trying to grow super light mushrooms from a very long time, I had an idea of using them as parachutes but Everytime I try them, they break," he said. "Grandpa why don't you try leaves ?" I suggested. "I don't know, what if they break ?" he asked. "I am very good at making crafts, I even made many parachutes in my science projects, I dream of becoming an engineer, I am sure that we can make one for us too, one that will take us home," I said. We both made a design of an aircraft that was to be made from leaves, wood, flower petals, mushrooms, cotton, grass etc, and now it was to be tried before final use. We decided to try that next day. We were tired after full day of work and we fell asleep. Before it was morning, we felt thumps of multiple legs moving towards us that made us wake up. They were Giants. A herd of Giants running towards us. "We have to run right now," he shouted. "There's no time to test your aircraft, let's do it now" he said. We ran straight towards the aircraft. We both pushed it towards edge of the cliff and jumped straight into the craft. Aircraft worked properly. It flew as smooth as wind. All that was needed was a proper navigation. Grandpa was good at navigation. He guided the aircraft straight towards the beach. We were flying above the ocean and it was the most beautiful scene I had ever seen. I could see whales and dolphins running in the water. We finally shouted with joy. There was the beach we could see. Dad and my sister came out to listen our screams. "Land the aircraft my brave boy", grandpa asked me. "oh o, I forgot to put anything for landing," I said. "Don't worry, we too are light weight, we can easily jump from here without breaking our bones my dear" he said. We held our hands and jumped together. We were as light as wind and landed just like a feather. My sister caught me in her arms and my dad caught grandpa in his arms. Dad was happiest to find grandpa. No one knows what happened to that wierd place and we never heard from it.
The End
#sci-fi #mystery #magic #wonderland #family