

My Turkey
As she looked out the car window, a familiar car pulled up beside her.
"Hey, how are you?" She asked Jake from her car window as he wound down his window.
"Fine, where you off too on a day like this"" he asked her pointing to the heavy rain pouring down outside their windows.
"Food shopping awaits no-one, I need to get that Christmas turkey before others do" She stated, as that was all she had set out for, as requested from her handsome room mate, who loved to cook and was doing a full Christmas dinner for everyone who had nowhere to go for Christmas.
Just purely because he hated seeing people alone at Christmas, secretly that was one of his good points that Joanne really liked about him, it was one of the many things that attracted her to him, he had a kind heart, although he tried to hide it under the hand exterior that he seemed to put on for everyone on the outside to see, deep down he was a real softie. He hated to reveal that side of him to others.
"What are you doing for Christmas" Jake asked her wondering if she was doing what she usually did for it, which was joining her parents as she usually did.
"This year I've kind of agreed to stay here, Roger is cooking a slap up meal for us all this year, so thought I would try something different this year" She commented.
"Different is good sometimes" He told her
"Here's hoping" she answered, "Well must dash, have a load of angry shoppers to annoy more, when I get that last turkey" She laughed hopeful, she was the person who was going to gain that turkey this year. Last year she had missed it by seconds, due to an elderly lady grabbing it first after crashing her trolley into hers making it seem like n accident, when really it was the distraction for Joanne, while she stole the turkey out the freezer , while she stole the turkey out the freezer, with a huge smile on her face, she had left Joanne feeling like an idiot standing in the aisle with no turkey to take home.
She was determined not to let this happen this year, not for anyone. Even if it meant abandoning the shopping trolley and everything else, she was getting that turkey.
With that in mind she set off exchanging her goodbyes to Jake, she drove the rest of the way to the supermarket, hoping that there were loads of turkeys left and no turkey thieving grandma's in there.

Five minutes in the supermarket she could already tell it was going to be a difficult task, every aisle she went down was jam packed with people, all in a rush to get their Christmas dinner foods, she frowned as she tried to plan her way around to the turkey freezer. Children were running around for their stressed parents, while some of the elderly were complaining about the young today. She tried not to focus on the thought of the turkey, as long as she managed to get the turkey this time of year was like a star dust.

Finally she was in the right aisle, but unfortunately right up the top , too many people too budge out the way, plus she wasn't that rude, she was fine with the idea of people with children first, at the end of the day Christmas was for the children more than the adults, but after them it was every man and woman for themselves. Every second she got a bit closer to the freezer, watching everyone closely, almost counting how many turkeys left in freezer, not knowing how many were kept in one, she gave up the count. Edging closer and closer she hoped and hoped with all her might, there would still be one for her when she got there, she debated pushing in, she had avoided the trolley in order for the fight to get to the freezer faster, not that it was workingin the slightest.

Finally she reached the freezer, there sitting proud as punch was the last turkey in the freezer, she grabbed it out of the freezer, when a lady pulled up beside her.
"Oh no, I missed it" The woman grumbled to herself, Joanne looked at the woman who looked exactly the way she herself had looked last year probably feeling the same way. Joanne remembered exactly how she had felt, when she had missed it by seconds, she looked at the woman.
"Here, you can have this" She offered
"No I couldn't" The woman said
"I insist" She told her handing her the turkey. The look on the woman's facce was priceless. It made giving the turkey away a whole lot better.

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