

Why Do We Love People
Why do we love people?
The human� race is a compassionate species?

Yet, we love people for their unique qualities, quirks, and ways. We love them for the way they make us laugh, for the way they make us feel, and for the way they remind us of our own humanity...

We love people for their differences and for the things that make them the same. We love people for the good and the bad, for the cheerful and the sad, for the good times and the bad times. We love people for who they are and for who they can be...

What do I love about people?

There is something about people that I just can't help but love. Whether it's their quirks, the way they make me chuckle, or the way they connect with us on a deep level...

I love people for all of the wrong and right reasons...

We love people because they are unique. There is no one who is exactly like anyone else and that is what makes me love them so much. We can all learn from each other and that is what makes us so special...

At least some of us?

We love people because they are imperfect. We all have our own faults and we love that about them. It's what makes some people so endearing...

And some who have good people fearing!

We love people because some are kind. Kindness is something that is incredibly rare these days and we appreciate when it happens. We love that some people are always willing to go out of their way to help someone else...

We love people because some are quite

Compassion can be something that is often lacking in today's society and we appreciate it when we see it...

I love that some people are willing to put themselves in other people's shoes.

Why do I love people?

I love people because they can make me feel good though some are real assholes...

We love people because they make us feel. They fill up our days with joy, love, and happiness. They are the lifeblood of our existence...

We love people because they can bring us joyfulness. They make us feel good about ourselves. They make us feel loved. They make us feel special. They fill up our lives with feelings we couldn't even imagine living without...

Except for some people you would like to send to the moon or a distant, distant star...


people are amazing. We love them for who they are, no matter what. We are grateful for them and we want to make the most of every moment we spend with them...




what do I love about people?

We love people since they remind us of ourselves. We all have qualities and characteristics that we like about ourselves and when we encounter someone who shares some of those qualities with us, we feel happy.

This is the basis of love...

People also remind us of our past. We all have memories that make us happy and when we see someone who has similar memories...

We can relate...

People also remind us of our future. We all have dreams that make us happy and when we find someone who shares those dreams with us, we have hope...

People fascinate us. We love their oddities and their habits. We love the way they smile and the way they cry. We love the way they touch us and the way they look at us. We love the way they love and the way they hate...

We love their stories and love the way they make us think...

What do I love the most about people?

I love the mystery...

© Charles Kemp