

The Discovery of a Supernatural Power
It was a typical Wednesday evening when Parina realized that something was different. She was sitting in her bedroom, staring at the wall, when she suddenly felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins. She closed her eyes, trying to make sense of what was happening, when she was suddenly overcome with a strange sensation. It was as if she could feel the entire room around her, as if she were connected to every object, every particle of dust.

She opened her eyes, trying to shake off the feeling, but it only intensified. She could feel the energy building inside of her, a power that she couldn't quite understand or control. She stood up, trying to calm herself, but the energy only grew stronger. She felt a strange, almost irresistible pull towards the window. She walked over to it, her feet moving as if of their own accord, and placed her hand on the glass.
And then, something miraculous happened. As she touched the window, it shattered, the shards of glass flying out into the night. Parina stared in shock, her heart racing as she tried to understand what had just happened. She had never felt anything like this before, and she had no idea what to do.

She stood there for a few moments, her mind racing, when she heard a knock at the door. She turned, her heart pounding, to see her best friend Samartha standing in the doorway.

"Parina, are you okay?" Samartha asked, a look of concern on her face.

"I-I don't know," Parina stammered. "I think I just broke my window."

Samartha's eyes widened. "What do you mean, you broke your window?"

"I don't know," Parina said, shaking her head. "I just touched it and it shattered."

Samartha stared at her for a moment, a mixture of confusion and disbelief on her face. "Parina, are you feeling okay?"

Parina nodded, even though she wasn't sure if she was feeling okay or not. She felt like she was in some sort of dream, a dream where she had powers that she couldn't control.

"Come on," Samartha said, taking Parina by the hand. "Let's go get some air."

Parina followed Samartha out of the room, still trying to make sense of what had just happened. They walked down the stairs and out into the night, the cool air a welcome relief on Parina's skin.

"Do you think I'm crazy?" Parina asked, as they walked through the quiet streets.

"No," Samartha said, shaking her head. "I don't think you're crazy. I just think you're going through something weird."

Parina nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She knew that Samartha was the only person who would believe her, who would understand what was happening to her.

They walked for a while, the silence between them comfortable and familiar, when Samartha suddenly stopped.

"Do you want to try it again?" she asked, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Parina stared at her, unsure of what she meant. "Try what again?"

"Your powers," Samartha said, a hint of excitement in her voice. "Do you want to see if you can do it again?"

Parina hesitated, unsure if she was ready for this. But at the same time, she couldn't deny the curiosity that was building inside of her. She wanted to know what she was capable of, what these strange powers were for.

"Okay," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "But what should I do?"

Samartha thought for a moment. "Well, let's start with something small. Try moving that trash can over there."

Parina looked at the trash can that Samartha was pointing to, unsure if she could really do it. But as she focused her energy on it, she felt the same surge that she had felt before, the energy building inside of her. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and then opened them again.
To her amazement, the trash can was now hovering a few inches off the ground.

"Wow," Samartha whispered, her eyes wide with amazement. "You did it!"

Parina couldn't believe it. She had actually moved something with her mind. It was like a dream come true, something she had always wished for but never thought was possible.

As they walked home, Parina couldn't stop thinking about all the possibilities that lay ahead of her. She had always felt like she was meant for something special, something more than the ordinary life she had always known. And now, with these powers, she finally had the chance to discover her true potential.

She knew that there would be challenges ahead, that she would have to learn how to control and use her powers. But for the first time in her life, she felt truly alive, truly excited about what the future might hold. And as she walked through the dark streets with Samartha by her side, she knew that anything was possible.

#SupernaturalPower #Power #Paranormal #universe #Energy #AtulPurohit

© अतुल Purohit