

Le Fantome
The stage was black as the night the only light were the candles around the stage as she stood in the center. Before the crowd the man underneath the stage was waiting for his cew to go up.
And so the girl Christina as she was the star of the show she stole show, and the lime light as she knew what was coming. As if her corset was getting tight around waist and she was nervous.
And so the stage hands were quiet the audience at the edge of their seats and so she takes a deep sighing breath in.

"Phantom where are you?"

A figure appears out from below the stage standing there looking at her. That everyone thought it was the actor not a strange person who dressed in the same costume.

"I'm here right behind you" "oh phantom"

As she turns to face him and runs up to him and he grabs hold of her with a tight grabs onto both her wrist's.

"Please let me tell you that I love you." "Yes Claudia come with me to the depth of complete blackness for there our love will be all turn so come with me"

As the man who she thought was the actor he still holds onto her wrist and tries to take her with him but she was refusing to go with him. "Are you frighten of me my dear" "No" "just let me go and let me show how I love you"

And she tried to break free but couldn't as he pulls her closer to him and she looked into those dark black soulless eyes. She could see her soul.

"Louix your hurting my arm."

As she gets out of character ever slowly softly and she gets pulled back in again. And now she wonders if this the real phantom that is actually haunting the theater or is it the actor who is acting as the phantom for the play.

"Don't be afraid of me Claudia it I the one from your dreams it is I the man who hides in shadows of deep the dark abyss" "Where I on this very night where I confessed my love for you. On this very stage is where I became a real phantom and where I have waited for all eternity for this day to come again and it has and now you are here my love so come with me. To my dark abode."

As he leads her towards the hidden door and she reaches up to his half moonlit white mask. That expose the bottom lip. And she just rips it off of his face and the man stumbles and staggers back and loses his footing.


And Christina falls to her knees because of exhaustion and she was just stunned as the hidden trap door sprang close again and the man who supposed to play the phantom appears to be knocked out as he slowly rises and wakes he sees. Christina on her knees holding onto a mask, and she looks up at Louix.

"What happened?"

As he walks up to her and stands before her and looks down upon her.
And she was All red her white soft skin tone that shreds over the top of her womanly facial bone structure.

"Nothing" "is that a suvenior" As she looks down at the mask and she shakes her head like it wasn't.


And he continues walking right pass her and she looks out at the crowd who were waiting for something to happen but it wasn't going to and one by one they stand give out a standing ovation. And it was a thunderous roar as it reaches the high gargoyles in the theater hall.

To; Andrew Loyd Webber