


The instructions were clear:
'Go in, retrieve the package, don't look back.'
That simple.
He did everything right...
But what was the essence of win a war without you child...
His child was just very little,
He noticed he was not by his side...
The main purpose of this mission was to save his little boy,
He decided to look back...
And it is clearly written,
No one should look back or you will be trapped inside forever...
I felt sorry,
He was a childhood friend of main...
His son was trapped and could not get away from the trap...
His son felt sorry for he was the reason for his father's defeat...
I was helpless,
I couldn't stop him from looking back,
His son was all to him...
He rescued his son and told me to take good care of him,
And i promised too...
Now his father is stock for life...
We all belived there was no way to help him out...
Life went on,
I am now in full responsibility of the child,
I retired from the army after this incident,
His son never gave up on his father...
He belived no matter what his father could still be saved...
Years passed by...
I made sure i gave him the best education,
And he passed out intelligently with good grades...
With all this grades,he said to me"I did all this to impress you,my dreams are to save my father from where he is..."
(We sat down)..
I said to him,
I will stand by you,no matter what it takes to save your father,
He was happy to ear that,
(We hugged and ended the conversation)...

Scene 2..

I have left me my son,
(His dad said)...
Dad am sorry i tried my best saving you dad...(His son said)...
Then try harder...(Dad said)...
I promise dad(Son said)...
i pro....
He woke up in shock,
I heard all of his conversation,
And said to him,we have to hurry...
We started investigation ...
But couldn't get a good picture of how we could break the spell...
We went there once again,
And we concluded that we would demolish the cave,
We tried,
But all was in vain,
we tried useing machine,
They were all a waste...
We went home,
And we started thinking of a way out,
Searched on internet,asked everyone...
But all efforts were negative...
we couldnt get a positive answer...
(I felt down and confused)...
With all efforts i concluded that their never is gonna be away out for his father...
And i tried to stop him from the searching and thinking he could save him...
He was angry and said"A tiger does not stop till it kills a sighted antelope"...
He said to me" why are you tired ,i thought you said my father was your best friend,you have no determination to save him,
He quoted"With determination all is possible"
He sat me down and said...
Do you ever have a thought about this ..." That a lion is not the strongest animal in the jungl,A lion is not the biggest,
But when it see's an elephant,All what comes to its mind is what "LUNCH"..."
He said...
"i wont stop till i save my father"

Scene 3

Then we made our research stronger...
And we noticed from an old book written by a philosopher named Aristotle (The book of life)...
The book explained ...
"Their lived a man who was betrayed and traped in that cave,
He then disappeared and turnded a demon,and said he would capture all beings that wont listen to his instructions and turn back"...
(We both read in fear further)
It continues...
"Solution to he who has being trapped in this cave is to free the demon"
(We asked ourselves"But how )
It further explained...
"A statue has being carved since the man change to a demon and disappeared,The statue must be destroyed to cast all spell from the cave..."
Immediately we went to the cave and ,
We searched and saw different types of statue,
We searched the name of his and it was"The statue of Eden∆")
It was boldly written on the middle one...
Then we broke and destroyed the statue,
The demons flew away and was set to freedom,
And all prisoner's were also free,
We searched but his father was not among...
We discovered that a hidden spell was written for that cave,
(We searched the book)
It said...
"And for the last cave which its spell is written on has no way out th ...."
(We closed the book in shame and went home).
The next morning we decided to keep and forget the book,
On my way to my library,I slipped and the book turned to the page we closed...
And all it truely said was that,
"And for the last cave which its spell is written on has no way out then to read out the spell that's its way out"
(I was shocked)...
And once again we went to the cave in happiness,
I read out the spell,
Suddenly the cave cracked and the spell was broken,
We saw the last demon casted out and flew away...
Then a man still on the Nigerian army uniform was out of the cave...
(His son cried and hugged his father)..
My old friend has totally grown so old "i said"...
(We all laughed and went home)