

Girls life
Girls life is not easy,
It's a constant battle to please
Society's expectations,
To fit into their definitions of beauty.

From a young age, they're taught
To be prim and proper
To sit still and be quiet
But their voices deserve to be heard louder.

They're told to be delicate and fragile
But they possess strength beyond measure
They're expected to be caregivers
But they have dreams and ambitions to treasure.

Their worth is often tied to their looks
But their minds are their greatest asset
Their emotions are deemed as weakness
But they have the courage to face life's harshness.

They're expected to be perfect
But perfection is an unattainable goal
They're judged for every move they make
But they have the right to be in control.

Girls life is not easy,
But they face it with resilience
They break through barriers and stereotypes
And rewrite their own definitions.

They rise above the limitations
And embrace their uniqueness
They fight for their rights
And refuse to be silenced.

Girls life is not easy,
But they are warriors in their own right
They are capable, strong and fierce
And they shine with an inner light.

So let's celebrate the girls
And all that they go through
For they are the future
And their potential is infinite and true.

© nusrataijazlaway