

The Mystery of a Tree 2 - Into the deep
They searched Neil and later they witness something.....

They went to the core of the dark forest, it was day but then also it was hard for them see so they use torch. There was no sunlight, they were scared but they have to find Neil in any condition. They were shouting by calling Neil's name.
"Matt! Do you think we can find him?" said Sam.
"I don't know but there is also no other option. " replied Matt.
"I have an idea!" said Sam.
"What Idea?" asked Matt.
"To call the regional police." said Sam.
"See! It will be complex. I think we should just search him. If we don't find him then we will call police?" said Matt.
"Ok! My whole plan has been ruined. I was thinking it will an extraordinary fun." said Sam.
They searched him till the afternoon and then were starving. So halt themselves under a tree and ate the food that they had packed. Later, They decided to turn back because if they go much deep in the forest, they will lost the path to their camp. They were too much depressed and so sleep early because next day for huge day for them.
Next Morning, they called the police at their camp. They tell them everything about what was happened.
"First thing, you are at a place where you should not be. It's a dangerous place many people had witnessed some paranormal activities. " said the police.
"So you mean our friend is lost because of a ghost?" asked Sam.
"I don't mean that but it may be true. " said the police.
The police said them to search for a day. If nothing found, then it will a paranormal activity. Sam and Matt were too much scared and confused. They were pondering to much and really worried about their friend.
They again began their search, this time they went too much deep in the forest. It was looking like they were in the hell. In the search, they unfortunately found the shirt of Neil.
"It's Neil's ! He should must be near somewhere. "said Sam.
"Neil! Neil! Neil! " Matt was shouting.
They saw a house just ahead some metres. The Police warned them, he glitches that something is not alright here.
"I refer you guys to go back, if you don't want save your lives." said the police.
"You mean he has been killed ?" asked Sam.
"I am sure now, but then also you have to see him then I am with you." said the police.
The police stood with them, they went to knock the house and suddenly they tress around the house start shifting into a dreadful and enormous monster sized ghost. Sam, Matt and the police began shaking and sweating, the moment was goosebumps creating.

To be Continued.......
