

Martin: The Nature Boy....! 4.0
He decided to go home. they ambled towards the village.
Martin missed Crony a lot, but he had no choice but to go home.
"WOOF!! WOOF!!" they heard a soft sound.
"It must be crony, dad" Martin moved around to see him, but he was not there.
"Come on!" his dad rushed in the direction of sound. he followed him.
"where must he have been?", he asked to his dad. They stopped.
"Shh!!", He put his finger to his lips, gesturing to him to be quiet.
They both sneaked towards the sound, but they didn't find crony or the man. It was dark, and they were both in agony.
Just then they saw a faint light, the flame was burning. Both of them quietly took steps in that direction.
They saw a man sitting in the opposite direction. He also had a dog with him. They could see his back.He was comfortably steaming on his hands trying to warm them up.
"WOOF !! WOOF !!", Realizing that the dog was making a noise, they started walking slowly towards him.

......to be continued.....

#crony #writco #storyinprogress #ganesh
© Ganesh Puri