

Hasan and Hussain help an old man
When the grandson of the blessed prophet was very young, an old Bedouin once came to Madinah. When the time of prayer came, he began to make wudhu, but he was making his wudhu incorrectly. Hasan and Hussain saw the old man making his Urdu wrong and wished to correct him but were not sure how.He was an old man and being young children,they didn't want to point out the old man's mistakes.They might hurt his feelings,It wasn't good manners to point out the mistakes of their olders.What could they do?
both brothers came upon an idea. They went over to the old man and asked him if he could help them,"My brother and I disagree over who amongst us performs widhu the best.would you mind watching us make widhu and be the judge to see which one of us Indeed performs more correctly!
The man agreed and watched carefully as they performed wudhu in an explicit manner.Soon he knew the correct way of making wudhu, realizing his mistakes.
After Hasan & Hussain completed their wudhu,the old man thanked them and said,"By Allah swt.I didn't know how to perform the wudhu before this,you both have taught me how to do it correctly."