

keep it simple
Sitting by my window on a Sunday afternoon, staring at the huge raintree peeping into my room. Just around the golden hour of the day, birds chirping, cuckoo singing, and distant voices of kids playing in the opposite building.

I took a moment to concentrate on my breath, putting my phone away I sat there feeling my heart calming down with every breath. For a few seconds, my mind was blank just a constant stare at nothing in particular.

Suddenly thoughts started flowing, my mind began to speak that you don’t need to go to exotic places or have fancy things to be happy or to feel peaceful. Sitting by yourself in your own house and in your comfort zone is all you need.

These kinds of moments make me realize time and again that being alone doesn’t always mean being lonely. Solitude is a different spectrum of life. Once you start loving your company life will accompany you in so many beautiful ways.
© _Keywords._