

Treehouse Valley Skies

The bright, gentle, intermittent light produced by fireflies is great for people who still find it nostalgic.

I've developed a tree house village community a place where our humanity would be restored. I've always imagined a place of escape and wonder. This was a place for the happy folk. Folks that wanted a world of wonder had been her main reason for constructing Tree House Valley. Building it to the quintessence, all seemed to be going in the right direction. The land was overgrown and that wasn't a problem since she had acres upon acres to plan on. A place for us all, folks with a similar view will trudge on thru. She'd make sure that all inhabitants would be of interest and not a follower. Be whoever you wanna be, just be smart. Could this be a place where all humanity is restored and not ignored?

I had dreams of the buildings and how they all be structured. Her Treehouse had already been constructed, it was stacked high in the sky, and the gardens were covered in Yellow, Red, and mixed Roses. She knew a few folks that had been interested in developing. The idea was catchy and folks were spreading the information so quickly, Tree Houses will intrigue others and more. This land expanded far and vast, Calls were pouring in with questions and comments, and I couldn't keep up. This will be a great adventure, Sturdy treehouses are not built the same but all will be pretty high up and made to be out of the ordinary. It's a surreal feeling, knowing people will have negative views, but she made her start the open house.
© CremeDelaCreme