

Jane and the missing jem
introduction Hi my name is Makenzie. I love to read books and I really like to read mystery books. so I wrote one of my own Mystery books. the main character is named Jane and she is 21 years old. she is looking for an apartment. when she finds an apartment she goes in the apartment to unpack. when she gets home from the museum she finds it threatening notes and is determined to solve the case.
chapter 1 hi my name is Jane and I am looking for an apartment in New York City. I love being in the city and I like solving Mysteries. I used to live in Macon Georgia. a friend told me that there were some apartments in the East Village. so I'm going to check it out.
okay thank you! oh hi guys I just found the perfect apartment I will be moving into the apartment at 6:30.

after I got all settled in I decided to look around the city and check out the Guggenheim Museum. when I am at the Museum I see a lot of artifacts but one of the artifacts is missing. the sign said it was called The Star of India. I am curious about what happened to it. I think I should investigate.
I look everywhere in the museum but I do not find any clues. so I go home when I get home I find a threatening note. the note says I know that you are looking for me but go too far and you will regret everything. I know this sounds dangerous but I have to investigate. but before I start I need to get some rest.
chapter 2 good morning it is a new day. I have to get some Clues! where should I begin?o i no fingerprints on the paper. I have a friend that knows how to get fingerprints. I need to put gloves on and take it to him.
my friend checks out the paper and finds one suspicious fingerprint. we found a fingerprint so now we need a DNA test done. so we will go to the lab. I know a girl that can do a DNA test her name is Melissa Jones. I hope she is home.
we just got the DNA test done and now I need to go to the library to print some copies of the test.
the DNA test helped us a lot because now I can go to the museum and ask who came on Monday. then I can run a DNA test for everyone who came on Monday.
two hours later ...
the museum said that they only gave that information to the police. so I guess I will have to get the police to get the information.
the police said that they would do their job and get the security footage. but they also said that I could go to jail for not telling the immediately. I go home and go to bed. but that night at 1:25 I hear a noise so I go downstairs and check it out.too bad guys in black run out of my house and drive away. luckily I see the license plate the number on the on it was 170 cars I called the police and told them everything.they said thank you for not keeping it to myself. after I called the police I went to bed. but I could not sleep so I turned on the news and it said that another artifact went missing. it was called the Logan Sapphire.too gim's went missing and they are both a worth a lot of money.
chapter 3 it is a new day and I am going to the library to open the latest news for the missing gems. the file says that the gems were both stolen at 1:40 in the morning the Logan Sapphire was stolen 15 minutes after the bad guys. left my house so if I get a DNA test done on the picture frame they touched. I can see if it is the same person. who wrote the threatening letter
after I get the DNA test done I get a text saying that the license plate I saw was zack malones car zack Malone!?!he wouldn't break into my house. they must have stolen his car.
I am going to Zack's house to talk to him. I really want to know if he broke into my house. I don't think it was him but he will have to go to jail to tell the police what happened.
I just got home from Zack's house and he said he did not know what I was talking about.but he did say he was sorry that someone broke into my house. he also asked if anything was stolen and I said yes my mom's diamond necklace.
wait a minute! I never went to the police office to see the security footage I will be right back.
35 minutes later
I'm trying to talk the police into letting me see the footage.I hope they let me see it.
I talked to the police into letting me see the footage. and the footage was very helpful because now I know that they knew the code to the case the gems were in. the security footage also said that there was only one person that stole the gems and we know that the museum did not report any missing artifacts or jems.
what if someone who works there stole the gems .if someone who worked there stole the gems that would make a lot of sense because the museum is running low on money and the me gems are worth a lot of money.

now that I know that some one who works there is the Steeler. I need to find out their name and what time their shift is.
chapter 4 good morning it is 7:35 in the morning and the museum opens at 8:10. so I am going to stay in the Museum parking lot to see if I can find the owner. if I see the owner I'm going to sneak in and spy on her until the museum opens.
luckily I saw the owner so I snuck in and found a clue the clue was that the ouner put a cleaning the artifact sign beside the case the artifact went in then she looked both ways and ran to the storage room. if she was just cleaning it she would just walk to the storage room.
I was going to call the police but before I was able to the owner saw me and asked me what I was doing. I told her but she could tell I was scared. so she locked the door and closed the window. then she came towards me with a gun and she shot the gun. luckily I was able to grab a long metal bar and I knocked her out and called the police. the police asked what happened and I told them everything. the police took the owner to jail and found a artifacts in the storage room. the museum got a new owner. the museum is running a lot better now and they are making a lot of money so no one should have to steal the artifacts to sell.
the end.

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