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Friends, the treasures of our days,
With them, life's colors never fade.
Through laughter, tears and everything,
They stand beside, through thick and thin.
A beacon in the darkest night,
A ray of hope, a shining light.
They lift us up when we are down,
And turn our sorrows into crown.
In times of joy, they share our glee,
In times of sorrow, they set us free.
A listening ear, a shoulder strong,
They help us find where we belong.
They celebrate our victories,
They mend our hearts when they're in pieces.
With love and care, they never fail,
To make our souls and spirits sail.
For friends are like a gentle breeze,
That whispers secrets in the trees.
They bring us warmth in coldest days,
And fill our lives in countless ways.
So cherish friends, with all your might,
For they are blessings, pure and bright.
In times of need, they'll lend a hand,
For friends, forever, understand.

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