

By the end of the time ES04
Sharum come on get your bags and leave the room we should be there before 8:00 now we cannot miss our flight
because of your sleep… okay baba I am coming said sharum in a weaking voice. what happened sharum? Nothing
dad I am alright it’s just I am way too tired because of these things. I believe it’s just a headache. then take the
Panadol my son and do not forget to drink chai along with it. O my sweet Pakistani baba. you are so innocent I
will do that. He said while smiling. after the flight has landed, they were brought to a room and now they were
waiting for the doctor’s team to do their tests. One by one they were called and then they were asked to be in the
rooms before the test results. Sharum what do you think my tests will come positive? I do not want to die sharum
in a situation where you cannot even meet someone. that death will be so painful sharum. Sharum why are you
not responding? No dude I am listening I just want to see my daughter right now. I am missing her. I am missing
my family too…
After the day has passed almost all of the people were tested negative and they left the hospital specially made
for the diagnosis of the disease. Now it was Osama s turn to collect the report and he was tested negative for
corona he also saw the reports of sharum’s father and it was negative too. he rushed to sharum and said dude I
am so happy that precautionary measures of washing my hands and not having social interaction with anyone
except with you for 4-5minutes. I am so happy Thank God. Did you collect your report?... sharum what are you
staring outside the window? Are you not happy that I am safe? Why have you turned your back towards me?
Sharum he pulled his hand and made him turn ……. the very next moment he was shocked to see that sharum s
eyes were red he knew that his eyes looked like that when he had cried for hours … I tested positive said sharum
in a shaky voice… there was a complete silence in the room for almost half an hour after then sharum said it’s
not good for you to stay with the so called un-touchable man now. but please before leaving do me a favour take
my baba to home without telling him about the disease tell him that I have gone with the friend of mine…because
I can’t face him right now and now, I should not be with anyone…no sharum please don’t say this I will… I
SAID LEAVE before he can complete, he yelled at him like he was about to kill him. Osama immediately left
the room.