

A letter to future me
Hey! I wrote a letter, who-knows-why?
Then I thought maybe I could write a letter to the future me. I guess I would need it.
I am Ishani, a younger Ishani, you don't need to tell me that it is really weird to write a letter to myself, because you know that I'm weird. Whatever you tell others I know that secretly you're gonna love it. You never tell anybody, but I know your obsession for hand written cursive writing letters Hope you've become a little more sane.
I have no idea where you are, what you are or with whom you are. And I'm not sure if you're happy. But I'm pretty sure that you still have a smile plastered to your face all the time. I don't know if you're still writing your drafts, poems, letters, stories, and all the stupid stuff you used to hide betweens diaries and cupboards. But I know for sure you're still a book freak. I don't know what happened to your all time biggest dream of your personal library, but I know you still loose your control in the book shop.
You have obsessions you'll never share, even to your closest friends. The smell of old books, the peace of libraries, harry potter, rainy season has always been your favorite for some really weird reasons, slow country songs, music, coffee, diaries, pens, letters, art supplies (even though you know you'll never use them).
On second thought being sane is too difficult.
I hope you're okay. Better, I mean.
You're an overthinker, you'll always be an overthinker. But you know how to keep engaged.
I am trying, really, to contol my anger, to control my emotions, to control me, every second. I want to be better, but not for them, for me, for you.
I want to say I'm sorry, you know why.
And when I say sorry it's when I mean it.
I'm trying to be myself, I hope you've succeeded. If not, it's totally okay. You can't do everything. Everything is not your fault.
I want to believe that the future is going to be good, if not happy for me. I hope family is happy, together.
Afterall we can't have everything.
But everything can be changed, you know you can still do it. Even if nobody reads, you have to write for you.
Remember, you're not measured by how people react to you. It's a quote you once loved.
You don't have a definition. You can still change.
Lastly, our motto, BREAK THE STATUS QUO!!