

The Mystery Behind The Letter: Part 1

'My dear child,
I know you had your doubts about your birth. I couldn't tell you while I was alive so I left you this letter. Your real parents live in...'

I stared at the unfinished letter in shock. How was I supposed to find my true identity? I blinked in utter disbelief at my unluck. Surely, there must be a prequel to the letter.

I searched the chest where I found the letter. It was full of old newspapers and old love letters. Billows of dust garnered around me as I sought.

There were old boxes stacked at every corner of the attic. The little fan-shaped window flooded light at even the darkest corners. Cobwebs hung loose from the walls, and I was beginning to choke from the musty air of the attic.

#mystery #letter

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