

To be in love or being love
“Love is a permanent state of consciousness.
You will understand what love truly is when you stop thinking of it as a feeling. The feeling is necessarily subject to variations depending on whether it is addressed to this or that person, while true love is a state of consciousness independent of beings and circumstances.

To love is not to have a feeling for someone, but to live in love and do everything with love, speak, walk, eat, breathe, study with love.
To love is to have tuned all your organs, all your cells and all your faculties so that they vibrate in unison in light and peace.

Love is therefore a permanent state of consciousness. He who has reached this state of consciousness feels that his whole being is permeated with divine fluids and everything he does is a melody." 💖
You truly love when you become Love and not just have Love.
Having a heart full of Love is a very good thing, but being a heart full of Love is the best thing.
When you are in love you sometimes suffer, but when you are Love you never experience suffering.
Should we be Love instead of just being in Love?

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov Via Olivier Bouch via M. Daniel