

Teenagers and drug addiction
Drug addiction is family destruction.

After years of tears and struggle, she gave birth to a daughter and a son.
Wishing for their wellbeing, filled the room with dolls, cars, and toy guns.

Mini smiles and tiny laughs urge her to protect blessings with some dark spots
Constantly whispering gratitude when he plays and trots.

Embraced them like blood in veins, and raised them like a princess and prince.
She never reckoned that her upbringing will make her shamefully wince.

Spend every second and penny of life to build for them a throne.
The land of dreams has been ruined and she cried with moans and groans.

Via invented disease, the mind-body and souls of future generations got afflicted.
The descendants of the throne were now tagged as drug addicts.

Blasted clouds of hopes and desires turns life into a curse.
One who used to drink in silver cups now is dying of destructive thirst.

First, foot-step marks she still preserved in the garden like a shrine, Alas ! in gutters now they stroll.
Everyone's peace and comfort are stolen by chosen poison turns physique and their senses are out of control.

Friends, family, colleagues, and relatives everything relation they lost.
yearning for the same honor, name, and fame that has been left in the past

Passion and goals have been missed.
Health and wealth have decreased.
Due to the cruelty of the adopted disease badly the life of the druggy got seized.

Every action gives birth to an impact.
Enemies among friends learn to detect.
A rotten apple spoils the barren so
boost your intellect as a weapon to protect.

Teenagers and drug addiction.....

Teenagers easily get addicted to drug addiction. Sometimes they join such groups where boys use to drink alcohol and smoke then they manipulate other boys to try the same things. Teenagers are using drugs because they saw others doing it. They easily get trapped in harmful activities. Teens are very curious about new things as it's their first step toward freedom and they wanna explore the world. They behave like elders. They think they are mature and try to do something big. Some teens try these materials only one or two times then they easily get rid of them. While others get addicted and it's hard for them to get rid of this addiction. Slowly this addiction turns into destruction. These teens are not only destroying their own lives but are crushing the dreams and emotions of their parents. Many youngsters lost their lives due to this self-poisoning trend.

Drug addiction is a serious problem. we call it an addiction but it's not only an addiction but human destruction. Destruction of youth, the wreckage of a new generation, Downfall of nations.

Most of the time limitless freedom of youngsters lead them toward this addiction. When young boys easily get such substances by spending money without any restriction. Most parents allot countless money to their kids without investigating where they are using it. Limitless freedom can spoil the life of teenagers and they can walk on the wrong tracks and paths.

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