

First time ever Chapter 4: Awaken
After that incident we never talk to each other there is nothing to talk about it. kavya wants to know what he whispered to me but really I don't want to anyone know about it so I choose to not reply on that.

We often exchange the looks at each other like normally all do but there is something in me that want to talk to him.

In few days Mayank joins us we are now together me, kavya, mayank and his friend dev. I know kavya has crush on him because the way she react on his actions anyone can hint it.

I almost forget about the incidents on first day straight two weeks I'm busy with my notes like before now it all feels normal the college life suits me more than the school life.

"Finally lecture ended seriously I thought that I was going to sleep peacefully right there in front of professor" Kavya said it with yawning.
In the whole lecture she was yawning or playing with the pen.

"I'm going to the washroom" I'm not feeling well from the morning something not feels right.

"Okay we all are waiting for you"said kavya. I saw her joining mayank and dev in hallway.

After splashing some water on my face it feels good. When I whip the face I saw the tall man standing back of me glaring me in the mirror the same devil smirk, Aditya. I jumped out and faced him.

"Are you fool or so much stupid to read that board outside that says girls washroom" my toned was surprisingly loud ofcourse he is out of his mind.

"Oh thanx queen for reminding me that but I don't think I follow any signs or the rules" said Aditya with his smile on his face the way he smiles make my stomach flutter with butterfly.

He started stepping towards me I started stepping back I realized that I'm already back enough to the sink but his steps not stopped he kept moving towards me.

He is too close I can smell the coffee fragrance it melt my heart. I'm not looking at his face i don't want to look in his brown hazed eyes. He lifted my head with touching my chin.

I don't know why my body reacts this way whenever he is near me.

"Why are you avoiding me?" he asked looking in my eyes it's like he is searching my soul for his lost treasure.

"I asked you a question my queen I think you can reply it, isn't it?" he asked me again breaking my thought bubble.

"I'm not avoiding you, you are the one who is ignoring me" my voice is more like whisper rather than loud.

"I can't stop thinking about you can you answer this my queen" I'm shocked how can a person can be this much confident. At school times no one was interested in me because they all thought that I'm study nerd but this is really different for me.

This hands cupped my right cheek I realized that I was biting my inner cheek. He kissed me. His kiss is cold like an ice but soft giving me time to think what im doing then he started kissing me passionately. My lips also started moving on his rhythm. His hand are on waist he tightly crushed his palm on my waist giving me the pain. I whimper on his lips no one ever done that to me.

He lifted me and I wrapped my legs on his waist. I'm out of breath I can feel it I broke the rhythm between us and realized how stupid I'm to kiss him.

I push him away from me.

He smirk and said ," oops some one just lost the control".

On his words, I slapped him all this is game to him isn't it. I'm not the one of his hook up girl who can kiss anyone in bathroom. As I slapped him he grabbed my wrist tightly it was so painful. This pain is not pleasure this pain is different.

"You know what, if you do that again I'm going to make equal by giving you fucking pain that you can't even say anything to anyone you understand that" He left from the bathroom giving me warning and tears started making pools in my eyes.

I never done this types of things in my life I'm feeling like a teenage slut who can kiss anyone. After cried out I messaged kavya that I'm going home because I'm not feeling well.

My phone was chiming since I left the college and make my way home I just dont want to answer anything. In my life I never felt this way.

I stayed in my room from afternoon to the evening.

KNOCK on the door. "come in" I said. from my eyes and voice it was cleared that I cried a lot.

I feel the weight on the other side on my bed that someone sat next to me.

"I heard what happen in washroom from my one of friend" said Mayank. I almost jumped from my place I never thought that mayank will come to meet me. In Indian societies boys and girls can't be best friend but my mom allowed me to keep boys as a friend some of them also came to my home but to my room I never thought that much of.

"So whole college know about this" I asked to him. He nodded. Oh God I never wanted to be a gossip topic I hate rumors and to be a gossip item.

"So tell me about what you heard from your friend because I also want to know about the rumors" I have to confirm it what all of them listen.

"So I heard that you got bully by Aditya"Mayank said and added a tone of sadness.

So it is a relief that everyone don't know the real thing.
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