

I cried to be loved. (Pt 1)
Hazel stayed in the darkest and smallest room in her father's castle, right in the middle of the woods close to the ocean. Her parents were always on a trip; attending parties thrown by kings and queens and high class people. They never cared for her. Her father, Lord Brooklyn, rejected her from birth bacause she was a girl child. From the age of 5, whenever him and his lady, Lady Genevieve, returned from their trip, he would order the guards to beat her up every night till the day they would go for another trip. He also had her hair cut. He had never set his eyes on her after the day of her birth. Lady Genevieve didn't have a say, she believed that whatever her husband does is always right.
Hazel grew up broken beyond repair. She had already forgotten how to speak, so she was dumb. She was slimmer than even the servants. She at least hoped that her mother would be there for her, but lady Genevieve enjoyed pleasure that it mattered more than her own child's life. She dreaded the days her parents returned from their travel. Those nights are her worst nightmares. She screamed and roared and wailed, but the servants wouldn't stop until an hour and half later. She had scars all over her body; that skin that shone so bright like the moon on the day of her birth have now become pale and worn out. She got broken by the day. Every night, she would sit on the window with her blue crystal eyes filled with tears, facing the rumbling ocean and humming a bitter song only she knew the lyrics.
"In your next world, you'll come out a male child", one of the servants cursed her one day after they were done with the usual. Those words rang still on her head. She was the daughter to these people's master, but they could speak to her anyhow they wanted and get away with it. She was too weak to cry. So she crawled slowly to her favorite place;the window, and began to hum her song, slowly and bitterly. She touched the scars on her body slowly, one after another, as she hummed the song. Then, the tears came finally, flowing down her cheeks like a river.
Moments later, she noticed something shining dimly in the ocean. She stopped humming immediately. She took a close look... it shone again. 'what is that?', she thought. She quietly climbed down the window. 'Nobody will know I'm out', she thought. She walked weakly to the ocean, curiosity dancing all over her body.
After five minutes, she was standing face to face with the ocean, not afraid that it was dark, late and that she could get hurt. She searched around to know what it was that shined so bright. Right beside her leg was a beautiful golden hairband. She loved it!! It made her smile instantly, something she has never done since she was born. She picked it up dusted it, hid it in her rag clothe and turned to go back to her prison.

'Hazel!', a feminine voice called out. She shivered and turned to confirm no one followed her. And really, she saw nobody.
'I'm here for you now. Come back if you need someone'.
Now poor Hazel was scared. She ran back to the castle.

...Part 2 loading...
© eberehh