

J & P Janaki & Panchali Ashok The Father
He came to the hospital to see his Sunaina and his 2 daughters he wanted them to be safe.

He knew his family did not like Sunaina they hated her but he loved her very much.

Being soft made matters more difficult the family took his softness for granted and it did not do well for him.

He was rich and she too money not an issues to both of them.

Both loved each other he knew she would be compromised her and his 2 daughters can be killed he deviced a plan to take them to shelter.

Even at the cost of his life to protect his darling Sunaina and his 2 daughters

He decided to take matter in his hands

He booked 4 ticket in the train from Bangalore to Bhopal he wanted to protect his wife and his 2 daughters desparate he was to protect them
© M Krishna Bangalore