

The setting was perfect. Candlelight, polished cutlery and a single rose set in a delicate vase at each table. Her elegant dress attracted the eyes of everybody around. The smoothness and the fragrance of her skin made everybody stared at her in awe. she was looking gorgeous and her beauty became the center of the eyes of those around. He looked at her in an affectionate manner and took her by the hand. she gave him an amiable grin and that changed the atmosphere completely. the party had begun and everyone present tuned into the mood of dance.
Niella,as she is called danced with Elvis as she sneaks a surreptitious glance through those present at the party to see if Nicholas who is somehow surrealistic was there. During the period of dancing,Elvis held her closely to himself with his hands, tightly stuck around her waist. He kissed her deeply and they passionately danced to the tune of the song. After dancing for a while,they took their seats and started talking about their lives. Elvis held Niella's hand and told her how much he loves her. Elvis stared at her as if he was unconscious of what is around him. Niella noticed his stare but she knew it was because of her beauty so she whispered to his ears, "I love you too" and he came to himself. After a while, Niella received a call from Tyra,her bestie. Tyra was speaking with panic which made Niella got scared. "what is it Tyra", she inquired.
Ni-Nichole was here,he said,he is going to make you pay for everything you've done to him.
Niella didn't want Elvis to know about all that happened between her and Nicholas because she was afraid of losing Elvis. She pretended she was experiencing stomach pains and Elvis sent her home to rest. After he was gone,she entered the living room to meet Tyra. Tyra narrated everything to Niella and gave her the card containing Nicholas' office address. Niella became afraid because she knows what Nicholas can do. She kept thinking about it the whole night and figured out how to deal with it. She made up her mind to go and see him at the office.
"Welcome sweetheart,how are you?", Nicholas said as he offered her a seat. Niella sat down and told him to be fast in his speech. Nicholas showed her a video of her daughter. He added, "you thought I will never know the truth? Why Niella? why did you betray me into believing that the child was mine? But don't worry,I have let it go but you're going to pay for all you did with your daughter. Am going to kill her, she is in my custody." Niella pleaded with him to spare her daughter and she will do everything he wants her to do. Nicholas told Niella to give him her body and heart. Niella's heart got broken and became devastated. She loves her daughter and she can't bear to lose Elvis too. Nicholas gave her up till tonight to think about it and break up with Elvis.
Niella went and told Sara everything. Sara told her to calm down and they will figure out something to solve it.
Nicholas came to the house later in the evening and took Niella out. Nicholas took Niella's phone and called Elvis, he made her end the relationship with Elvis. Nicholas ordered food and drinks to taste but Niella didn't eat. He forced her to eat and she ate a piece. When Niella came home, Elvis was waiting for her in the house. She went to hug him and cried heavily on him. She remembered what Nicholas told her and she freed herself from the hug and asked Elvis to go. She told him she meant what she said and that, it's over between them. Elvis couldn't accept it but he kept it to himself and walked away. Tyra saw all that happened and told Niella to tell him the truth.
Nicholas dated Niella for 3 months without letting her see her daughter. He demanded to have sex with her but she refused. He threatened to send her daughter far away from her if she doesn't.
Niella told Tyra about it and Tyra told her never to do that,she should at least respect the love she has for Elvis.
Elvis called Tyra on phone and asked her to meet him secretly without the knowledge of Niella. Later in the day,she told Niella,she was going to visit a friend and will be back shortly. She went and met Elvis at a spot behind their house. Elvis told Tyra what he overheard concerning Niella and her daughter,and offered to help her out. They carried out a plan to rescue them.
Elvis secretly investigated on the whereabouts of Niella's daughter. Tyra gave him the picture of Niella's daughter. He disguised himself as an abnormal person and went to the village where Niella's daughter was. - she was staying with Nicholas'sister and was been guarded by five men. Elvis went there as an abnormal beggar and begged for water. She pitied him and gave him food and water and gave him a place to stay. He became friends with Nicholas'sister by name, Daniella. He told her all that her brother was doing to Niella and what he wanted to do. Daniella had sympathy for her and gave her Elvira- the name of Niella's daughter. He escaped with both of them to a very far place unknown to any man apart from him alone.
He went back and told Tyra how successful the plan was. He asked Tyra to go stay with them so that he will take of Niella. Tyra did as he said and went and stayed with Daniella and Elvira.
He went to Niella to plead with her not to stop loving him but Niella sacked him.He came back again and told her all he has done. They both took a plan to disgrace Nicholas and put him behind bars. One day, Niella went to Nicholas house to ask about her daughter. Nicholas told her,he is not going to give her back and told her what she will do with her. Niella recorded all these and gave it to Elvis.
The setting was perfect, candlelight, polished cutlery and a single rose,set in a delicate vase at each table, Niella was having dinner with Nicholas, while eating, Nicholas tried to kiss Niella. An attempting to do that, someone held him by the neck. It was the Corps. They revealed everything about him out and was sentenced to 30years of imprisonment. Elvis brought Tyra and Elvira back to Niella and they lived happily after Elvis got married to Niella.