

12. Kidnapped
Mia's P.O.V

I woke up and my head was spinning. I felt so weak I could hardly move. I forced myself off the bed and I walked around looking for something I can use as a weapon.

I found nothing. I went to the bathroom and drank some water then it hit me. I went and I took the tank cover off the back of the toilet and I held it with both of my hands and I stood at the door. Someone would come here soon and I would beat the crap out of them with this thing.

I stood there for at least a minute and then the door knob started to turn and as soon as it opened I started hitting like crazy. He blocked most of my attacks and then he took the toilet tank cover away from me.

He then grabbed my hand and led me to the bed. I pulled away from him and I kicked him across the room and he got up like nothing happened like I didn't just kick him across the room and he came to where I was.

"Be a good girl Mia darling or I might have to hurt you"

"Let me the fuck go you psycho"

"Such a rude girl I would not tolerate your rudeness"

He then lifted me and threw me over his shoulder. I was hitting him with my fist in his back but he wasn't letting me so I bit him in the back he still didn't drop me.

He finally put me down on the bed and I kicked him in the privates and then I kicked him in the head. I then went for the tank cover and hit him continuously with all my strength and he still didn't pass out. If he was human his head would be bashed in right now.

I left him there and ran out the room. I ran until I found a door. I kicked it down and I was finally outside. I could get away, I teleported out but I didn't move when I turned I saw that the demon guy was holding on to my dress I quickly ripped it off. I was only in my bra and panties now I then tried again but it was too late he grabbed me by the waist.

I was back in the same room as before he tried injecting me but failed miserably. He ends up leaving the room. I tried teleporting out but I guess for some strange reason my powers won't work.

I don't know how I'm going to leave this place and I don't want to stay here because I don't want to find out who he is or what he wants with me but I can sense it's nothing good.

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