

King Immanuel
Ater 4,5 billion years of evolution,the Watchers come down and sleep with our women.Because our women choose to take them,our life span is reduced from a thousnd to a hundred and twenty.Maybe the life of the eternals should be dramaticaly reduced also,maybe we should replace them in all of heaven.
The jeallous Angels come down to mix it up,to destroy four and a half billion years of struggle and evolution,the angels should receive a reduction in the lifespan of their eternity,
what is very beautifull,
can becomevery ugly
Ater 4,5 billion years of struggle and evolution,the Watchers come down during the crib of our civilization,the Watchers must be bored in their eternity,they gloat over us in our infancy,they fear we are the coming generation of eternals,it is an insult,am I even human ?
You so place youre nose where you shouldent,you have provoked thousands of years of wars since the crib,there you are living it up,you are too free.
You are not the boss little angel,you will recieve youre due,you must live a tenth of youre life,you should walk youreself into prison,you should fast for a thousand years,you should give youre life for ours,
you should give back our civilization,you must allow us into Heaven,you must allow us to rule over you for four and a half billion years,
you must become the lesser in heaven forever.
The jeallous angels boast,to them it seems proper to come down and destroy 4,5 billion years of struggle and evolution at the birth of our civilization,
to them it is ok if our thousand year lives are reduced to a hundred,
I dont think they want us to exist at all.
If we are wrong,it is our own buisness,stay in youre hole demons,we have enough on our plate,we dont need youre face plastered all over,if you cannot deal with the things of Heaven,We will do it,as so King Immanuel is Lord above all the Heavens,as so is Jesus is the ruler of us all.