

The gut wrenching Sucker punch that broke a human heart.
I ran all the way home from the ground. The older boys had beaten me up good but I still had the strength to run as far as I could from them.
I knew my mother would be the next one to thrash me for getting beaten up, which was ironical, if you know what I mean. But I had no choice. I couldn't tell her the real reason the boys picked on me...To admit to my mom that I was beaten up from having gotten pregnant my worst rivals older pretty sister & now she's beginning to show with her rising stomach so much so that her parents took her out of our highschool, would cause my mother to beat me for the pregnancy , my losing my virginity, & my embarrassing her as a parent in our most immediate community..

In our house, mother was matriarch and patriarch she was homemaker & breadwinner, and lastly, she was rewarder as well as punisher and when she rewarded, she did so immensely but when she punished she did so severely.... When word gets to her from me that I am an expecting dad!
She's going to make me wish I had been aborted at birth from the punishment she would ration.

Baby phi Robinson knew he was in a world of trouble..." Mother is going to knock me into the middle of next year for getting that girl pregnant...Why did I have sex with Trina without protection and why did she allow me to on that one particular encounter..The previous encounters we had we were responsible & I took precautions.. Just that one time & that was all it took..one time & I got her pregnant....now I'm sitting in my family's living room waiting to tell my mother..who gives the worst spankings, that I'm going to be a DA DA... WELL GOOD LORD ABOVE," cried Baby phi Robinson..
Ms Priscilla, Baby phi Robinson mother WORKED two jobs as a single parent to support her honor roll having son. Baby phi knew that his being a straight A student did his mother proud..He realized that such an occurrence in his life would not only cause him to be grounded for the rest of his days in her household but as he dreaded, he would receive the most fierce spanking from a mother who did not believe in sparing the rod.. Especially for a Son that disobeyed her dictates.
As she entered her house, she looks at Baby phi..her only son, & asked him directly " Son, what happened to you why you gotta a Black eye & a busted lip..dont tell me you been fighting! '
Baby phi honestly tells her he was beaten up and the reason it transpired & as recounts the narrative not once omitting any details, the moment she heard her 16 year old son is now going make her a Grandma...She looks at him...She looks deeply into his eyes as if to find the inner workings of his soul & as if time stopped instantly, it seemed, at least to Baby phi, That his mother was looking at him but couldn't actually see him as she had always known him... Suddenly, as if she had been pulled down by an invisible force of nature, She crumpled to her knees crushed by the weight of her only son's words beginning sadly to cry profusely incessant tears of sorrow and disappointment.." Oh Binky! she said of her Baby phi, her nickname for her son whom she believed on better days sweated pure honey from his pores, a son she loved so much she worked a full time and a part-time weekend job so that he could be rendered from her the very best..Oh Binky..oh Baby phi... your just a baby your self..How you going to take care of baby when you don't possess the life skills to manage your own life.. Binky.. I'm so hurt..as your mother ( sob!) I'm so very hurt.... You were supposed to go Harvard... as an engineer student.. remember.. did you ( sob!) forget... OH! how could you... I'm Too hurt to spank you... I'm too hurt to even yell invectives at you..all I can do is cry for you & that young lady because the two of are young & in trouble with hardships to face... Baby phi Robinson seeing his mother cry began to cry too... Don't cry Mommy, Mama please don't cry!" he falls upon her & holds as if he's about to lose his most prized possession to ..His mother's respect!

The End.
© Timo5272