

Our days are like blossoms in several ways... Feelings were allowed to be maintained for a long period... As though they were roses in full bloom. Describe it in a story

Have you ever experienced the maturing leaf, observing the vein spreading from the center, extending left and right. The leaf's pear shaped is sublime.With autumn arrives interconnecting the leaves into the branches, nourished by the deep roots sharing its vitamins throughout the trees. Some leaves creates a sympathy of rustling sounds, while extending branches forms different lines. And there are aggressive leaves waiting to separate from the mothering branch, abruptly leaving to face the world. Many with vibrant colors, sometimes brittle, they're placed, for memory sake, inside an album filled with pictures. These pictures have fairytale importance. Shown for the sake of nostalgia. Each fairytale are weighted with various sizes. Clever narrative are repeated as if they were close dear friends. Blossoming.
© Daniel Mason