

Is the urge to become POPULAR so POPULAR these days? I wonder!
What is the difference between being 'famous' and being 'Popular'? A student of mine asked me long ago. I didn't know the answer myself so I searched and concluded that if many know you, you are famous and if many know you and love you, Man! You are popular. Period.

The present generation is all about technology and being social. Pardon me! I forgot to add 'media' to social. We have YouTube influencers, people who handle the PR can make you famous and yes popular too! Oh! Then getting viral is no longer considered as getting a disease or is it a disease? I wonder.

Alright, before you judge me I would like to tell you that I don't hate this, neither like. I have a neutral approach. Actually old age had made me wiser I guess. 😂😂 PS- don't get overwhelmed with the last sentence.

Actually I wonder that whatever we see virtually is it always true?
Are we so use to project ourselves to platforms like whatsApp, FB, twitter, Instagram etc , we have become shallow or more aware of everything happening around us? After researching I thought is virtual reality, real?

Once upon a time, a very long time ago in order to be popular you need to have a friendly approach, may be good looks, being a nerd or being a fashionista, helping the needy, doing things that will benefit the society and so on qualifies you to be a popular person. It was a special feeling when you were in high school or college or work place. You cannot hide your true self from people around because everyone could see you in person, like the actual flesh and bone person and you cannot hide yourself using filters and beautify icons.

Then, every generation comes with its own set of pros and cons. I believe this current generation is contributing in its own way. Even I am using a virtual platform to share this with you all. However, I would like you point out that once a week at least talking to real (non- virtual) people or spending time with real ( non - virtual) friends might do loads of benefits 😃, at least try it!

Everything comes with a price. Are we paying a huge price to become popular? Are we using our popularity to spread the right virtues? Is there any difference left between getting viral and spreading viral without thinking its aftereffect? I wonder!

I was a popular kid in school and college and I am proud of it because even after so many years I get the recognition. We all were popular in some point of time in our lives may be in school, college, in family, among friends, workplace anywhere. When I say popular I mean the care and love you get which is not fake, which is not made up using a third party, which is exclusive and gentle.

Popularity and Prosperity go hand in hand we have to secure it and use it to condition our society in a way where everyone gets benefitted including our own selves.

Thanks for reading. Hope you have a nice weekend. Mine has started. Tomorrow, I will be pursuing the dolce far niente experience. So no phone. Will get back to you guys day after. Take care....

Smile alys and be urself!
Shweta Mukherjee
© Smile Alys